Successful test! I may have the adjustment 2 to 5 degrees lower than the TM-1.

The more aggressive test will be this afternoon with the higher 95 degree air temps. I'm not concerned about an overheat, just if that little variable resistor can take the heat and not change it's resistance value drastically.

I can see a nice big fat resistor or two will be the final solution. Oh of course the proper way to do this would be to buy 5 temperature sensors, check the resistance in a pot of boiling water for each and if one was right, use it and take the rest back.

I do still need to do this test with my sensor to make sure the Engine Watchdog is reading correctly. I mean at this point I can tell the computer any temp just by adjusting the variable resistor, doesn't mean it's right.

I get the feeling that the temp measurement is just a ball park estimate anyway. I mean you could put ten temp sensors all around the motor and probably get ten different readings.