Over Christmas my 6 year old nephew got a new video game for the Wii. It's called Skylanders. It's been pretty popular around here so most people with young kids probably know it. Well in case you don,t it has these little plastic toy figures that you put on this pedastal and you can play the character in the game. Nice idea, the kids can play with the toys even if they are not playing the game. The game only comes with a few figures and you can buy the others for about 8 each. I was playing the game with Brady the other day, actually I was mainly watching and hitting buttons I had no clue what the heck was going on in it! Then the little skeleton guy onscreen runs across a box and a little movie starts that is a commercial for one of the other figures. So of course Brady sees it and wants it. I'm thinking to myself whoever came up with this idea of advertising toys inside the game is a freaking genius.
So a few days later I'm over at wallyworld and they have some of the figures on an endcap. The shelf was full of them with about 50 or 60 of them there. I send a text to my sister asking her wich ones Brady has. She sends me a list and there are a few he doesn't have. I pick up a couple (They are 8 each) and move on. Then I start thinking about how hard they are to find so I figure I'll go back and get a couple more. It's been maybe five minutes since I walked away and the shelf is completely empty.
Since I wasn't busy I got curious and drove down the street to Meijers, they didn't have any neither did Target wich was right across the street. So I hop online and start looking at ebay and amazon and those dang little things are selling for 50 bucks and higher!. I look for the little guy that was Brady's favorite and people are bidding over 130 on an 8 toy. Why the heck couldn't I think up something like that!!