Mudderoy- The stories I could tell about the people I meet.
1. Lady shooting Heroin on the bus
2. Crackhead who would flash her stuff to get on the bus
3. Guy rolling blunts on the bus (he had a gallon size freezer bag full of weed)
4. Homeless guy and girl that got into a fight over a seat
5. The guy that tried to hit a driver and the passengers beat his ass
Just a few of the things I could tell you about

Jccatt we dont have the stick style cause the wheel is like 20 inches. The driver's area is cramped anyway so to have the stick we would actually have to reach under the wheel or through it. Believe me the last thing you want to do is get your hand or finger caught in the wheel when it is turning. It hurts!!! It is better to have foot activated switches that way your hands are always on the wheel, so you have better control. Moving a 50 ft bus around town is not an easy task.