OK second side got finished...
Was not as easy and I have learned a lot.... I got frustrated a lot too....

This time I got the welded nut break and the whole bolt frozen int he sleeve spinning like crazy... After thinking about it and trying different approaches, I went all berserk with the angle grinder and first cut the main leaf off to make room, then cut the different layers of the main eye through metal and rubber bushing, then cut the bolt and sleeve in half, to realize that it was dumb...

cut a hole in the frame to get the stupid bit of bolt with the rust welded nut on it...

did several stores to fin a new bolt and nut (M14-120 if you were wondering).... got the 10.6 hardened one....

Held the nut through the frame with long hemostats while holding the leaf pack with my shoulders and trying to screw it in....

got everything bolted back....

and..... stupid bastard pack is not level and I have about 1/2 inch difference between left and right

So back to the study board trying to figure out what to do next lol....

But I had fun and nothing beats the powerful feeling of cutting through your vehicle with an angle grinder and not caring much about the body.....