I would like to say something about Andy(Ironman 4X4 Fab.)I
purchased one of his HD Tie Rods and his over the knuckle insert from him a while back,
back when he first started making them.

I recently pulled my front diff. to regear and I noticed the insert had
come apart (the top flange from the inner ) this is of no fault
of Andy.I did not have it tack welded and I let it loosen up abit.

Anyway,I contacted Andy and explained my situation to him,and he
graciously told me he would send me another one.
Now he had to set up his machine just for my one insert.

All I can say is Andy is one standup guy,he not only sent me a replacement
but he made this one alot beefier on the flange side.He went out of his way
to help me out and I just want everyone to know how great his
customer service is after you buy a product from him.

Much Respect!