well we just met for pizza so no pics.

We talked about the Mount Emily Recreation Area or MERA that was purcased by Union County last year. They purchased 4,000 acres to be used as a recreation area, 2,500 of which is motorized. They used grant money to purchase it and are working on the "master plan" which is needed to get more grant money for this year. The campground is 50% finished, the staging area is open, this year vault toilets will be installed, campground will be finished.

One of the members talked about the MERA meeting he went to this month and said the comittee handed out rough maps of the trails and said if anyone had any additions or changes to mark them on the map. They are wanting to have a little bit for everyone there.

The next MERA motorized meeting is going to be in La Grande at the county building at 6:30pm january 26th.

We talked about what we wanted for our club, what officer positions, decal options, when our next meeting will be. The next meeting will be in La Grande february 27th at 1pm (site yet to be named)