Just a thought - when you get it running, check your voltage across the battery while the engine running (or keep an eye on the voltmeter on the dash). Watch for voltage spikes greater than 15v. Sometimes a wonky voltage regulator (it's in the puter - post Renix jeeps) can allow transient voltage spikes. Sensors (& computers) don't like transients, and show their displeasure by failing when you need them the most, or have empty pockets. Voltage spikes can eventually kill a good battery. Kills bulbs, relays, flashers, radios also. Examine the harness from the alternator (this info is for Mopar alternator, typically ND, Denso or Bosch). Look for wear spots on the wires. The regulator excites the alternator by a signal to ground (the blue or the green wire, don't remember which). If the conductor (copper part of the wire) makes contact with ground, you can have a runaway alternator (voltage spike). The bulbs get brighter, and if it goes on long enough, you start frying things (expensive things). Renix alternator/voltage regulator system can fail also. Same symptoms, same effect, slightly different cause & fix. Good luck.