I recently checked the coolant while engine was up to operating temp, after a 1.5 hour highway driving trip. The tank was not empty but well below the fill line. If I were to have not filled it, eventually the tank runs dry. I don't, try not to, allow this to happen & consistently watch it, adding coolant once a month or 45 days. I'm just clueless as to where it's going. I'm thinking maybe a hairline fracture in the header, isn't this this weak header design? From the '01s? A few months ago a friend talked me into doing the seafoam trick thru the vacuum line. Well it smoked like a chimney, & even some from around the header. Not a lot there but some. Could this be a sign of a small crack there? How can you diagnose a cracked head? Any pressure test or ...?

Appreciate the help guys. I'm def not a mechanic.

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