well stage 1 of the bar is on, waiting for pipes to be bent and make it a little more road legal..........

was away last weekend in her and there was a strange grumbly noise under the bonnet at start up, turn the sounds up and it went away

I need to get the A/C going so off came the compressor and it could be the culprit waiting to see if my A/C man can fix it or get me a good price on a new one, or I may make up a bracket with a pulley, (have found XJ/ZJ made bracket but the don't fit the 1997?)and have window A/C, Window's down A/c On, up is Off

as for the air horns, they could be an item I am about to loose the have packed up again, sitting in the Garage

and am contemplating build a flat roof rack for the shovel and hi lift as too tight to buy one at the moment, looking at another section then building again and selling our current place
till next time