Okay so when Jon ( preunner1982) and I were dating we met up in town one day I was sick as hell that day but hadn't seen him in a few days. So we ended up at 7-11. Where he gave me the key to the apartment. Told me to go ahead and go there and he would stop and get me some medicine. So I left. A long time later I hear his loud truck pull up. He comes in slamming the door, stomping up the stairs and chews my butt out about how his truck didn't start, and how he was trying to wave me down and I ignored him. He was furious. So to this day I will not leave a parking lot if he and I are in different vehicles until I hear his jeep start up or he gives me a thumbs up. So if we had one of the Noco Genius Boost it could save an old argument from happening again.