(its what ihave so far, if you want i post what i have until finished)
for those that are bored at work and need sodething to read

The day all went absent and silent

Like every other mid-summer Midwest day. I woke up around 7:30AM, used the restroom, got dressed and made some coffee. Sitting on the loveseat in the living room I sat in silence and drank coffee, peaceful but eirey.
Realizing I haven’t heard any vehicles drive by. Looking out the window seeing no1 is normal in the morning, but nothing at all stirring. The air outside no different but the aura feeling that something is defiantly out of place. Im ready for work. I hop in my jeep,. I head out of the neighborhood and out onto the main road…..not 1 vehicle. Like a blizzard on Christmas and no-one to be seen cuz all have sheltered in. strikingly odd. Not 1 good reason goes through my head. I keep driving.
Into main city not 1 living soul or vehicle. Deciding to figure this out I stop at moms house. I knock on the door no1 home, maybe at work like usual.. a well known neighbor across the street, retired, maybe il ask him. No answer after several knocks. So I keep on driving. I get the gate at work. NO-ONE there. gate open. No one guarding and maintaining the gate to a US military installation?! I proceed like normal. No-one at the shack. Proceeding on slowly looking around for a sign of life. Not to far is my building, very tall maybe unlocked. There are a few cars in the lot but usually theres a few at all times.
I get out of the jeep. Enter the building, by now the gripping reality of being alone has me. I go the highest floor 7th and enter into the roof access area. Onto the roof high above the rest of the city. Looking on every side to ever corner of the city. Not a soul is moving about.
A lot went through my head, scenario after scenario floods me. Nothing reasonable comes to mind. Reality then hits me like a brick and I am all alone. Something has happened to all humanity and im the last one. The brick of reality, of life all by myself was harsh to accept but then the epiphany that all on earth is now commendeerable…
Now that I don’t have to sit at a desk all day. Now that I can drive any car I wanted, stay in any place I wanted
I remember learning about sustainable energy, power, food when I was in surfing the internet all the time.
Ideas upon ideas come to me.
I search all the desks on all the floors for keys. Finding handfuls of car keys and house keys. Each desk I take the name and find a home address.
Now with keys I enter the parking lot hitting panic buttons. A few go off. A few are junky or undesirable, some are low on gas. Some not capable of hopping curbs and hauling things. then some of the last keys. I found an almost new ford f250 turbo diesel crew cab , a smile went across my face. Opened the door, hoped in. FULL on fuel. YES!. moving to my jeep I get my things out. I now own this truck. The crazy realities are still coming. I can do whatever I want to do?..
No need for money or keys. I seen a bow hunting sticker on this truck, maybe the owner had guns, I did take the address down, its also on the registration. Its in the next town over. so I venture over. all the while still not seeing a single person. I pull into the driveway and still my conscious that’s programmed says “oooh braking the law” I look in all the windows. I knock just in case. In my possession I don’t own much so I might as well start scavenging for food, guns, ammo, safe sleeping quarters incase there is anyone alive but crazy.
His door is locked. 2nd guessing I walk around the house again and knock. Wonder whats in his shed. Just some basic garden and yard tools…and a crowbar. Commandeering once again.
I use it to smash out the window on the back door. Entering with caution. No alarm. No dog bark. No human. Going to living and sleep quarters for even more proof. No1 there. Seems as though he was an older single adult male, surprising lacking in anything in his house. snooping around seems to be so mischievousness but exciting to find lots of neat things. normal living room nothing of interest. Kitchen cupboards had lots of canned food. I put that in the back of the truck. A few jugs of water. Exploring through the house I begin to run out of things useful. Went through bedroom, closet, drawers, under bed. Found a pistol with a few rounds. Nothing else. Taking that for protection from whatever, im still not understanding everything yet.
Back into the truck. Felt heavy conviction because a joy rose up in me that everyone is gone. It seemed malicious and selfish then the sadness overwhelmed me that I will be all alone for the rest of my life all I have to do is live my life out. Wondering how long electricity will be provided without its normal maintenance. The lack of knowledge and skill start to bombard me. Thinking of all the insufficiencies i head back to work where there is internet. I start to search and print off all kinds of material . info on how to fly for dummies. For maybe a standard small Piper private plane that is abundant at airports. With much info and DIY and how-tos I head to the airport to maybe explore farther out.

On the way to the airport, its about noon now midday in summer. It’s a tad hot and im starting to get hungry. I stop at a local gas station. From printing out how-tos I learned how to use the gas station clerks registor to turn on gas, so I fiddle with that not that I need any just figuring out how it works, in the mean time in the back of my head I tell myself it will not be easy like this forever once electricity goes out. I grab whatever I want to eat, some snacks and drinks. And I take a bottle of vodka. I dump it all over the front door. Load up the truck and I set the gas station on fire  drive off to the airport. Quickly ablaze I drive quicker hoping it wont blow up on me while im close. Finding the local airport close. (listening to moody blues, blue guitar).
I don’t even bother with the building. I ram one of the fences and easily plow through it and enter the air strip. I head to one of the small private plane buildings. Pulling up. There are locks on them. I didn’t think about that nor did I have any bolt cutters. I did have that pistol though. A 9mm but it will work maybe. I try to fire off one of the locks with no luck. Realizing again my poor planning and inefficiencies. Looking through the bed of the truck I find a long chain. I hook that to the front bumper and the padlock. Backing up the lock snaps right off. Yet..no plane inside. I pop a few locks. One stall had a parts plane. One had one with no fuel. Then 4th stall I had a newer looking private prop Piper with almost full fuel.
Seeing that I have gotten this far with what I have I take a minute out to gather my thoughts and calm the foolish excitement. I tell God “thank you for letting me stay alive and getting me this far”. Then I power up the Piper and pull it out of the garage. Rifling through all the notes and manual for it learning how to fly it on a whim from some quick reading and some videos at work. I feel confident but nervous. Thinking down the road what-ifs. What-if I crash or get messed up and theres no1 to help me??? Onward, I load up the plane with the snacks.

Then I hear a small explosion…hopping out quick to look, it was the gas station. I chuckle and get back into the plane.
Finding thrusters, pedals and reading gauges. Its about 2:00pm now. I have to stop playing around, the day is half over.
So I drive the plane onto the run strip. I get it up to speed but im very nervous and cant seem to get the plane off the ground. A few trips back and forth. Then I get the hang of it. finally at the end of the strip. I get the wheels off. What a rush. Teaching myself how to fly a plane in a few hours and here I am. Suddenly off the ground I realize that landing cannot be as easily. Now figuratively punching myself in the face. Onward anyways. I circle abit knowing im leaving this place behind and that really nice truck. I see a fire, it’s the gas station. It went up pretty good and set other things on fire, oops.
Now quickly planning from a birds eye view of the rest of my life in the scope of positiveness, where am I going to live, what will I do, whats the point? I head west towards a warm stable climate such as Utah maybe. With maps and calculations and estimates. With the speed im going and direction il be in mid Utah in 3.5hours.
Flying not as high as I probably should. Keeping an eye on the fuel guage and other things. looking around I don’t see other planes, cars, anything at all. All kinds of emotions flood me. But one must keep in check, especially while flying aircraft.
Eating some snacks and looking around distracted me to avoid the gauges. The aircraft started to sputter. Fright leaped on me. Down I go I thought, this is over with, shortly lived. Scrambling a view of all the gauges. Its overheated and on low oil pressure. Before it shuts off I take it down quickly and attempt to land. I thought when I land hopefully I can land as nicely as when I took off but now its an extreme emergency. Sweat begins to pour from my face. I let the snacks fall to the floor and spill. Sighting a large empty highway I line up and bring it down. I land it very hard and bouncy. Screeching to a halt with the brakes that didn’t really work. I clip a light pole with the wing I apparently didn’t see spinning the craft around abruptly. In an instant I realize what a dumb choice I made to joy ride an airplane with no knowledge or wisdom. Being unbuckled I was slammed against the side of the cab. Hitting my head pretty hard and bruising my ribs on an awkward shelf. The Piper is at a stop, im hurting, and now im stranded.

Slowly making my way out of the craft. Grateful im alive I kiss the ground and exhale deeply but quickly followed by a sigh because its about 7:30pm and night will shortly be here, stranded in a random state with little food and no vehicle. Quickly things got out of hand and back to the bottom.
Measuring up my confidence and some snacks left. I start walking toward what looks like a large city in the distance.

Off I walk toward a large city unknown what city. After 1 mile I see a sign that says something about i70 and Grand Junction. Well I almost made it to dart on the map destination Utah, Im in Colorado. A few miles more I walked off the highway to a gastation on the outskirts of the city. Decided to find a place to rest, sleep, hide. The gas station was locked for some reason. Finding a rim from a car on the side of the gas station I smash the window. Finding medical kit under the clerks desk. Grabbing more vodka. I head to the back room where they had an office, ironic they had a cot there but the room stunk like curry and old clothes.
I had a bad cut on my head, bleeding and bruising already showing. My ribs seems to be fine now.
In the back room I open the vodka and pour it on my cut, it seems as though it needs stitches but finding some super glue in the desk drawer I hold the cut shut and glue it. Me watch says 9PM its dark out
Very tired. I drink some milk from the gas station and fall asleep on the cot after shutting and locking the office door.

I woke up around 2AM I had to use the restroom so I did and went back to sleep after gazing out the window still in awe and new reality. Laid back onto the cot and sleep until sun up. Around 7am. I rub my eyes and take a deep breath. A chilly morning, I find some food in the gas station. Filled up my belly, found a coat, and bandaged up I head out toward the tall buildings. Signs say GRAND JUNCTION REGIONAL AIRPORT. I gave a loud remark “are you kidding me?!” just a few miles more I would have see in, maybe not have made it though. The thought came to be I quickly discarded the thought to try this all over again just because I could. Im an expert at driving a truck but not an aircraft.

Still walking I see a neighborhood, from a walk to a run I head in that direction. Passing a few houses and closing in on one that seems to be well kept and cleaner. Still my conscious programmed from youth wants to knock and look in the windows first. I oblige, then proceed to try the door. Open. Great. Slowly and cautiously because that’s my nature I enter the home. Smells of cinnamon and new carpet. Awesome. Glancing into each room its full of nice clothes, beds and furniture. Then my mind tells me this all belongs to a family, but like everyone else they mysteriously disappeared. Each move I make and every decision I make I become more numb to the fact everything once belonged to someone and that I can do whatever whenever however I want. Strange feeling to have no authority over me but God. Almost a fearful thought because I have dumb ideas and do dumb things like set gas stations on fire.

I find a real nice bathroom. Needing a shower and some clean clothes, maybe some more durable.
I look into a bedroom scouring through drawers and closets. Some1 my size lived here. Construction worker perhaps.
Finding a pair of jeans, boots, clean socks, underwear and a nice button up hunting shirt. I shower, change I don’t bother to shave, whats the point now?

I take my sweet time showering using up all the hot water