Okay so apparently it's been nearly a year since I broke the stupid temp sensor. My apologies to anyone that's been waiting to hear progress.

I finally went back at it a few months ago. I disassembled the top half of the engine and stood on a stool to get better access. I was able to get a drill solidly on the brass and drill out a starter hole for and EZ out. I drilled the hole, started the EZ out got excited because it started turning and...


The f&%ing EZ out broke! No choice at this point, I hate the thing. So I take it to a friend of mine who builds hot rods for a living and paid him to fix it for me.

He was able to get the now broken EZ out and fitting out of the head. Unfortunately, the reason the EZ out broke was because I threaded it into the head. The EZ out basically cut a leak path into the head.

The final fix, and I'll try to post a pic later, was to weld the OEM sensor port closed and cut a new thread into a blind in the water pump. By far and away this is the most frustrating thing I've had to deal with on this Jeep since buying it. My advice to anyone out there that has to change the temp sending unit is to be very careful not to break it.