I love that post--- I watch Glenn Beck, and listen to SIRIUS channel 144 patriot.... and am seriously worried about oUR country!!!! I would be at the 9-12 march on DC, but I have to be in Nebraska at a Nuke plant for my job..... But I will be watching the Tea Party closley!!!

I also ABHORE the current GOVT all-454 of them!!! Even the repub's//// I truly believe that the entire White House alum, House and Senate needs to be voted OUT in 2010 and 12!!! i have never ever worried so much for my country!! I was in the Navy for year and years...Retired cause of Clinton------But I have never ever been so concerned---- Even have a cofessed communist serving as the GREEN JOBS (WTF??) CZAR----- this guy has the most powerful man in the worlds ear.... Man oh man--- I can't wait for the elections!!!! No More Piliosi, Reid, Murtha, ect ect ect..... IDIOTS---ALL OF THEM!!!