Interesting, Cops on patrol instead of taking the report so the crime could be solved. Sounds like Anarchy is rapidly approaching Once it arrives we can just shoot the criminal caught in the act or even running away from the scene. Gun control only prevents the law abiding citizen from owning a gun, criminals don't follow the "rules". Obama is sadly mistaken if he thinks banning any type of weapon will actually keep them from the hands of the criminals. Our govenor was wanting to publish a list of all CCL holders. That would have only given the criminals a list of houses to break into. It should be obvious by now that politicians only want to keep control of the mess they are building. Cops, while being stuck in that rock and hard place, are giving up, they see judges let off the criminals they worked hard to arrest. While the voting people stick their heads in the sand, hoping it will all go away. Time for big changes it seems.