yah these are pics of last years run but its done every year.

some info

Jubilee Lake is a beautiful 90 acre reservoir surrounded by timber on the Walla Walla Ranger District at 4800 feet in elevation. 12 miles northeast of Tollgate on Forest Road 64, from State Highway 204. 47 tent/trailer sites, 4 tent sites, 37 picnic sites, 4 group picnic areas. Fees: 14 single, 21 double, 3 day-use. Drinking water is available, as well as garbage pickup. Flush and vault toilets.

Of course those camping spots are for summer time lol

the plan was to see how far we could make it up to jubilee lake. so we took off and headed up to tollgate, oregon to park the trailer and air down. we stopped off in weston to talk to a couple friends and see how things were because they went up the night before. found out that nobody had even made it passed the first turn, they told us about some other roads we can run up there though.

so we got the tollgate store, unloaded the jeep and packed the gear from the truck to the jeep, headed up to a snow park to air down. thats where we ran into the police who just wanted to make sure we new the rules.

we headed up to summit road and found a couple sammies waiting at the bottom for another friend so we headed up in front of them. played leap frog with them for a while.

we just got the new tires on the jeep, and put new lockers in and new gears in the jeep. he was kinda babying it so we lost our momentum a couple times and got stuck.

got stuck again lol