So here's the repair...

The BASE...

You'll have to cut the film to expose the bolt. Got rust to deal with...

Then remove the nut and star washer to remove cover

It's apart!

Close up


REALLY apart now...

Get new cable, cut the end...

Strip and unravel the braid (don't cut the braid when removing outer jacket)

Twist the braid, cut to length, crimp on the ring terminal..

Only had the one large ring terminal, mangled it pretty good, so I will add solder to make the connection secure.

Carefully heat the center post in the 259 fitting to remove old center conductor, too much heat will melt insulation in fitting.

You'll have to do some trial and error on the center conductor to clear the nut and allow for the ring terminal for the braid. Once you get the length, I "tinned" the center conductor before re-heating the solder in the center post and inserting.

My camera battery died, but reassembly is simple. Feel free to contact me if you have questions, I have not thrown an SWR meter on this yet, but that is next.