I know it has been a long time since I have posted on here but, my Jeep is now fixed and is running great again! There were some small problems with the jeep such as the motor mounts, that I was told were brand new were not, needed to be replaced.

The bad motor mounts allowed the engine, which you could not feel, shake bad enough that it effected the knock sensor. The sensor tryed to adjust the engine and that caused a problem.

We replaced the motor mounts thinking it would fix the problem, it did not.

There were several other small problems that gave us "a big problem" that we fixed.We replaced every sensor you can think of, wow the cost! Even after we got all of the small things fixed, which could be wrong with your jeep and not cause anything, it still ran like shxt. We had been working with a dealership and one of the "tecs" said he wanted a look at it. The first thing he asked was "have you timed the new engine since you have put it in?" My mechanic friend said " yes of course I did". The Tec then asked if he used a computer, and my friend did not. The next thing he said, and did, floored us both. The tec told us that my jeep, 2001 Jeep Cherokee, has to be timed with a computer. All other Jeep Cherokees older than mine, 2000 and back didn't need to be timed on a computer. We both thought this guy was full of shxt! We gave him the keys, and after being on the computer for 2 days, it runs like a brand new Jeep!! He put it through all types of test to include a warm start and a cold one. It runs great! He told me that very few people, the do an engine swap, will tell you that it needs to be timed on a computer. He did tell me that mine was 30 degrees out of time. I was amazed that it even ran!!

I just thought that I would pass this along to all of you just in case you may be having problems that you can not figure out.