Thanks! I miss the barbie, she had to go. She only got 12 mpg.

I would have taken actual wheeling pictures, but I was alone that day. So I was driver and photog, and that never works out well.

Topaz used to be really geologically active. You can break open shale and find trilobite fossils. Rock hounds go out there, you can pick topaz pieces right of the ground, garnets and other gemstones if you know where to look. What I was told is that they used to mine beryllium out here. I have some smaller pieces of that. I believe they used it in space shuttle components. Anyway, it's hotter and dryer than hell out there, and if it does rain, you need to make sure you are not in a wash.

There are hot springs out there I like to frequent. Last time I was there a guy was in scuba gear going to the bottom, he said it was about 27 feet deep and cavernous. Crazy stuff.