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View Full Version : Who the hell?

02-26-2012, 10:47 AM
Who the hell added my avitar picture of a douchey H2? I know I'm not a heavy user on the forum, but really? A hummer? How about a bunny or a toilet?

02-26-2012, 10:49 AM
site is been hit by hackers ..........others have had theres change

02-26-2012, 10:51 AM
I just read that. I love me some hacking. But a jeep forum? Someone must be practicing.

02-26-2012, 02:46 PM
I just read that. I love me some hacking. But a jeep forum? Someone must be practicing.

lol no the H2 is now the DEFAULT avatar. Change it or embrace the H2. :D :thumbsup: :sign0181:

02-26-2012, 04:14 PM
I like the cat droppin a duce. Think I'll stick with that one. All the forums require a photobucket account. I don't like photobucket, but flickr instead. So I'll never be able to upload images.
Sorry to hear about the hacking. When we were starting out (many moons ago). We would hack low security sites to get a taste for things. I'm pretty sure that's what happen. Unless it was the evil doers over at CF getting back at yeah.

02-26-2012, 04:51 PM
Nah, it was some "team" of folks that like to "crack" stuff... cause lord knows there is such high level of security on a small forum... Like I said, if they really wanted bragging rights, then they should have gone for something at least like Walmart or something larger than a small forum..

02-26-2012, 04:59 PM
Nah, it was some "team" of folks that like to "crack" stuff... cause lord knows there is such high level of security on a small forum... Like I said, if they really wanted bragging rights, then they should have gone for something at least like Walmart or something larger than a small forum..

I believe the term is "script kiddies" The most recent attempt was using...

#/\/\/\/\/\ MulCiShell v0.2 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\#
# Updates from version 1.0#
# 1) Fixed MySQL insert function
# 2) Fixed trailing dirs
# 3) Fixed file-editing when set to 777
# 4) Removed mail function (who needs it?)
# 5) Re-wrote & improved interface
# 6) Added actions to entire directories
# 7) Added config+forum finder
# 8) Added MySQL dump function
# 9) Added DB+table creation, DB drop, table delete, and column+table count
# 10) Updated security-info feature to include more useful details
# 11) _Greatly_ Improved file browsing and handling
# 12) Added banner
# 13) Added DB-Parser and locator
# 14) Added enumeration function
# 15) Added common functions for bypassing security restrictions
# 16) Added bindshell & backconnect (needs testing)
# 17) Improved command execution (alts)

02-26-2012, 08:49 PM
Oh that explains everything.........:confused:

02-29-2012, 08:43 AM
wanna be know nothings. that type of hoser just gives the craft a bad name.