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Indiana Jeep
01-17-2012, 04:31 PM
I just realized there was a banner across the site logo. I hope I havn't been overlooking it for long.!!

01-17-2012, 05:03 PM
Nope I believe Tony just put it there today.

Joliet Johnny
01-17-2012, 05:09 PM
Government regulation rarely if ever makes anything better, Thanks for adding that link Tony. My prediction is that it dies off for now but after the election reappears and gets signed into law by a lame duck president.

01-17-2012, 07:35 PM
Government regulation rarely if ever makes anything better, Thanks for adding that link Tony. My prediction is that it dies off for now but after the election reappears and gets signed into law by a lame duck president.

Well it has to get through the house and senate for the lame president to sign. Let you congressmen and senators know you don't want Internet censorship, and you'll remember them during election time.

01-17-2012, 07:41 PM
censorship doesn't even work in the house or senate, why would those idiots think it would work on the internet which is world wide and not just the domain of the FUSA???

A campaign of email's against any internet censorship will actually work especially when it is directed at those members of the specific committe that has to allow any such bill to reach the house or senate floor. But it works best when they realize you will actively work against them if they pass it anyway.

Joliet Johnny
01-17-2012, 07:48 PM
I will be calling my clowns tomorrow. Feels like the USSA is coming closer and closer.

01-17-2012, 07:49 PM
well john,that is the democratic party line! has been since lincolon (yes I mean it to be spelled that way cause he did have his head up his ass) Abe wanted socialism first and his whole platform was slanted that way.

Joliet Johnny
01-17-2012, 08:04 PM
why is it that every time my state gives the country a president things like this happen?

01-17-2012, 08:27 PM
why is it that every time my state gives the country a president things like this happen?

I think Oby is a good man doing what he believes in, it just goes against every fiber of my being! Well except the part that involves predator drones, missiles and basically all the same stuff that Bush put in place to keep this country safe.

01-18-2012, 06:56 AM
i am not a US resident, but i love freedom and right to get knowledge. as we know, named a country of freedom but can thinking about this kind of things

edit: hope you guys can stop that, otherwise other countries will follow :(

01-18-2012, 07:13 PM
Your congress & senate are the lame ducks, if you have'nt noticed.

01-18-2012, 07:49 PM
I think Oby is a good man doing what he believes in, it just goes against every fiber of my being! Well except the part that involves predator drones, missiles and basically all the same stuff that Bush put in place to keep this country safe.

This was soooo redickulas (I'm aware of spelling) when I read it, I needed to investigate further....

It was infact, one of your own Texas Republicans which introduced this SOPA Bill.....it's got little to do with Obama, Santa Claus...or even Bill O'Rielly.....

Here: Stop Online Piracy Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (FROM WIKI ITSELF)

Now, the problem with the bill is....it goes to far, if someone posted pirated content on this forum, the forum would face fines......Without CONSTANT, minute to minute oversite, it's impossible to control what someone posts, legal or not.......THIS, is the major bitch over the bill, "too broad".....

The bill is mostly backed by the Music & Movie business who feel pirating has ripped them off....I wont mention websites or IP address scrambler sites which make new movies/music available virtually the same day released, free.

I will stop here, I'm a simple fabricator with limited internet time, yet learned what the bill & hub bub was actually about and who actually introduced it in 7 minutes time.........I'd like to sponsor a bill banner interweb bullshiat spread by anyone who dosent take time to look at the facts, after I pass that bill, I'll go after the welding industry for dumbing down welding machines, followed by booty fabbers who attempt to sell crap on the web, but just take peoples money.........then I'll go on a 2 month rest, collect fat money, take my mistress shopping, then return for a hair cut.

Sleep well America. ;)

01-18-2012, 08:05 PM
This was soooo redickulas (I'm aware of spelling) when I read it, I needed to investigate further....

It was infact, one of your own Texas Republicans which introduced this SOPA Bill.....it's got little to do with Obama, Santa Claus...or even Bill O'Rielly.....

Here: Stop Online Piracy Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act) (FROM WIKI ITSELF)

Now, the problem with the bill is....it goes to far, if someone posted pirated content on this forum, the forum would face fines......Without CONSTANT, minute to minute oversite, it's impossible to control what someone posts, legal or not.......THIS, is the major bitch over the bill, "too broad".....

The bill is mostly backed by the Music & Movie business who feel pirating has ripped them off....I wont mention websites or IP address scrambler sites which make new movies/music available virtually the same day released, free.

I will stop here, I'm a simple fabricator with limited internet time, yet learned what the bill & hub bub was actually about and who actually introduced it in 7 minutes time.........I'd like to sponsor a bill banner interweb bullshiat spread by anyone who dosent take time to look at the facts, after I pass that bill, I'll go after the welding industry for dumbing down welding machines, followed by booty fabbers who attempt to sell crap on the web, but just take peoples money.........then I'll go on a 2 month rest, collect fat money, take my mistress shopping, then return for a hair cut.

Sleep well America. ;)

I think you were responding to the member that was asking why things like this happen when ever his state Illinois provides a president. I was offering my thoughts about Obama. My comments had nothing to do with SOPA, or PIPA, they had to do with Obama.

01-18-2012, 08:25 PM
Actually no, it's pretty clear.........The blacked out banner is due to SOPA, how or why this happened today, and little to do with an Illinois president.

Rather the facts and referance to them as they're known & not opinion, known by the website creating the blackout and also might face the most fines in the industry if such a bill passed.

I'm on topic with the title.

Joliet Johnny
01-18-2012, 10:20 PM
I am semi in trouble at work because someone used a certain word that starts with n on my facebook page while I was at work. Im not supposed to even have my phone in my pocket while Im there, so how was I to know. I posted this as a real life example of what Detours was talking about.

01-18-2012, 10:39 PM
The bill is mostly backed by the Music & Movie business who feel pirating has ripped them off....

Considering the amount of garbage thats been offered up by the music & movie business in the last twenty years .... as "entertainment"

They ought to be thankful people are even taking the time ... to look & listen ...


01-25-2012, 04:31 PM
Dear Friend:
Thank you for contacting me regarding S. 968, the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act (the PROTECT IP Act, or PIPA). The parallel, but not identical, legislation in the House of Representatives is H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). I welcome your thoughts and comments.

I did not cosponsor this legislation. By letter, e-mail, and telephone call, thousands of constituents like you have highlighted the potential pitfalls in the bill.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who was a strong supporter of PIPA, has withdrawn the bill from Senate floor consideration. I agree with this decision. Although there are legitimate issues to be addressed regarding so-called internet piracy, I believe that several provisions of the current legislation need to be clarified or revised.

Protecting intellectual property is more challenging than ever before. For example, high speed broadband enables access to the entire catalog of movies, music, books, television, and technology. These protections should not censor free speech, nor should they hinder innovation.

Online promotion of counterfeit goods by foreign entities is also a growing concern. Assessing how to protect copyright, patent, and intellectual property rights — and doing so without infringing on consumers’ legitimate interests — requires dealing with a complex series of problems.

Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind should this bill or related legislation be reported to the floor for action by the full Senate. I appreciate hearing from you, and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me on any issue that is important to you.

Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senator

01-25-2012, 04:37 PM
Yeah that's the problem I had they were trying to fix a problem that required a skilled surgeon but their hired a plumber instead. I'm fine with them "trying to" stop Internet piracy, but this is going to be a lot like passing a law against bad weather, or the change in seasons.

The companies that are behind this bullshit legislation need to leap into the 21st century and change their business models to embrace the new technology instead of trying to pass laws that fits their old business models.

The year is 1950, I like it, so lets keep printing 1950 calendars and everything will stay the same... :mock:

01-25-2012, 05:15 PM
Online promotion of counterfeit goods by foreign entities is also a growing concern.

And they thought these foreign entities who already know they are doing wrong were going to stop? :crazy:

Makes about as much sense as some gun laws... only makes things more difficult for the law abiding citizens.