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View Full Version : Making Interior Lights Red

11-18-2011, 12:43 PM
OK i don't know if you guys would like this but i did this to mine yesterday. i was gonna run some colored led's in my 01 XJ but i thought about how i could do it for free. Idk if all Cherokee's have the little globe type things over the floor pan interior lights but mine does. I took those off(with just a twist they come off) and looked at them and thought....i wonder if i put some light coats of spray paint on there if it will make it that color. So i proceeded to sand them lightly to get them roughed up and painted a few real light coats of red duplicolor onto them. I went and put them back on and turned on my dome lights and sure enough, my floor boards now light up red. Idk how well it would work with other colors but it literally took me 5 minutes to get them painted dry and back on. If i had some pictures i would put them on here but im at school right now and bored so i thought id share. Let me know what you think

11-18-2011, 12:47 PM
That works. Also another thing you can to to the same light bulbs is use colored poly covers available from Auto Meter that come in blue, green and red.

Dirt Dogg Rydas
11-18-2011, 06:03 PM
Are they something like these?
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/312861_293181807371775_100000398745315_949554_1431 169217_n.jpg
I took these off my dash lights it helped get a little brighter.

11-18-2011, 06:06 PM
18 wheelers use them also, or you can buy colored bulbs from the nearest truck stop. Another cheapo is to take out the bulbs and color them with a permanent marker this works for a while but it eventualy fades but its free!

11-18-2011, 06:11 PM
I took these off my dash lights it helped get a little brighter.

I took the light bulb condoms off of my dash lights too...

11-18-2011, 06:16 PM
OK i don't know if you guys would like this but i did this to mine yesterday. i was gonna run some colored led's in my 01 XJ but i thought about how i could do it for free. Idk if all Cherokee's have the little globe type things over the floor pan interior lights but mine does. I took those off(with just a twist they come off) and looked at them and thought....i wonder if i put some light coats of spray paint on there if it will make it that color. So i proceeded to sand them lightly to get them roughed up and painted a few real light coats of red duplicolor onto them. I went and put them back on and turned on my dome lights and sure enough, my floor boards now light up red. Idk how well it would work with other colors but it literally took me 5 minutes to get them painted dry and back on. If i had some pictures i would put them on here but im at school right now and bored so i thought id share. Let me know what you think

Better be careful doing any thing red around here. Us red jeepers get picked on by the greenies. That's ok 'cause the Chief Moderator has a red Xj! Red interior lights are cool if your into that kind of thing. Mine were red when I bought my jeep, now there, well, they don't work anymore.

... light bulb condoms...

Now that's funny right there!!

11-18-2011, 06:58 PM
lost for words really...only colour inside ya jeep should be mud and and tide like marks as to how high the water gets in....

pulling ya leg ..you like em thats all that matters...throw a couple of pics up..

11-18-2011, 07:33 PM
Are they something like these?
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/312861_293181807371775_100000398745315_949554_1431 169217_n.jpg
I took these off my dash lights it helped get a little brighter.

Yes, that is them. They can help at night on white gauges. At least red was good for my old eyes.

11-18-2011, 08:14 PM
There's a thread on JF about upgrading your interior lights to led's. There are different colors and they are brighter.