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View Full Version : Need help from jeep clubs nation wide!

11-08-2011, 03:26 PM
Portage County Jeep Club is going to try and get a nation wide Tops For Toys run going.
We are doing our 2nd annual Tops For Toys Run on December 17th. This is a Saturday. We are looking for other Jeep Clubs to do the same run all over the country on the same day.We set up donations through local bussinesses and pic them up in a big Jeep convoy on the day of the event and then deliver them to homeless shelters. If this sounds like something your club would be interested in then e-mail us at [email protected]. We will need your club name, city, county and state. We can help you with organizing your runin your hometown.
We take our tops and doors off and do the run in a big convoy collecting toy's, money, and supplies no matter how the weather is. It's a really good time and you get to help homeless kids in the process.After collecting the goods we take the cash to Wal-Mart and have our kids buy toys for the homeless. Last year our kids had a blastand so did we. Then we go in a big Jeep convoy to the shelter and drop it all off. Last year was a great success so we'd like to take it further with your help.
How many Jeeps can you get in your convoy? Let's make it a friendly contest to see who can get more Jeep's in thier convoy.
email us your clubs name, city, county and state if you want in on this awesome event or with any questions or help you may need to organize your event. [email protected] or look us up on facebook and request to join the club for free and keep up on the event. Portagecountyjeepclub.com. will take you directly to our FB page.
Thank you so much for your time and I hope to see this go NATION WIDE!
Check out our thread on http://northeastohio4x4.com/smf/index.php?action=post;board=6.0

11-12-2011, 12:08 PM
Really? No-one wants to help out the kid's?
This event is now cancelled. We won't have the time to help others. So, we will do our own again. Thanks anyway for your time.