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10-03-2011, 10:35 PM
im lazy haha.

but can someone link me to a set of good lights? ive been looking around but there are so many choices i dont know what to look for. prefer them to be under 80$

also what the difference between offroad, fog, and driving lights.... :confused:

10-03-2011, 11:34 PM
also what the difference between offroad, fog, and driving lights.... :confused:

it has to do with the light beam and sometimes color of the bulb or lense. maybe someone else will post

10-04-2011, 12:00 AM
You wanting round or rectangle? The pro-comp lights are good at a cheap price.

10-04-2011, 08:49 AM
Off road lights usually throw a wide, tall beam of light (would blind on coming drivers).

Fog lights throw a beam that is flat and wide so you can see the sides of the road and the flat beam shoots under the fog so you don't get glare back into your own vision line.

Driving lights generally throw a beam that is flat on top and narrow in width to light more road further than the other two when mounted on the bumper.

I've used Hella, Ceibe and KC none are what I would call cheep but they have great lenses and reflectors and they all withstand heavy jaring quite well. Jim mentoned Pro-Comp and I'm sure they are good too cause he doesn't lead anyone down the wrong trail. Most can be bought with the wiring kit which makes installation lots easier since you get the parts you will need along with the lights.

10-04-2011, 09:22 AM
If you do any aftermarket lighting, please please please use a wiring kit with a relay. Most of your cheap lights (walmart) have you wire them hot off the battery with the full amperage coming through the switch. A relay allows you to run a smaller amperage through the switch.

I have a set of HF lights that I got for $20 afew years back. When I wired the, I used a relay and got better results (brighter and cleaner) than friends who did the same lights wired per the instructions.

10-04-2011, 09:34 AM
If you do any aftermarket lighting, please please please use a wiring kit with a relay. Most of your cheap lights (walmart) have you wire them hot off the battery with the full amperage coming through the switch. A relay allows you to run a smaller amperage through the switch.

I have a set of HF lights that I got for $20 afew years back. When I wired the, I used a relay and got better results (brighter and cleaner) than friends who did the same lights wired per the instructions.

Very good post.

As many of you may already know the wire acts as a resistor. The size of the wire, what it is made of (copper, aluminum, GOLD) all effect how electrons flow through the wire. The longer the wire the more resistance! The more resistance the more heat. That means you are losing power in the form of heat instead of it going to the light. So a nice short run of a large diameter wire between the battery and the light is the best, and cheapest!

Now you can control that voltage flow with a relay that requires a fraction of the voltage. Again this makes it cheaper and safer!

10-04-2011, 12:53 PM
thanks for the info, i think im jusst gonne spend the cash and get these:
http://www.google.com/products/catalog?pq=hella+black+lights&hl=en&cp=18&gs_id=1z&xhr=t&q=hella+black+lights&qe=SGVsbGEgYmxhY2sgbGlnaHRz&qesig=itDedOXaAMrWBBOcjTsuzg&pkc=AFgZ2tnSoGIsW8h4FNqS6eNAl0hc44LDt6j27J9saNnHNX HE2rp7XRI1Ryu_VvaA-weGHs8PoVoTe4Kj9rjeitUNQzC-hfHSFA&rlz=1C1RNPN_enUS426US441&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=800&bih=513&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4297979070571486924&sa=X&ei=7EeLTp7QNo-Wtwf6z4GPAw&sqi=2&ved=0CFAQ8gIwAA

10-04-2011, 12:59 PM
you will like those hella's especially since it comes with the complete wire/relay/switch kit. well worth that price. Not only that, they will look snazzy and you will see better too.

10-04-2011, 02:19 PM
you will like those hella's especially since it comes with the complete wire/relay/switch kit. well worth that price. Not only that, they will look snazzy and you will see better too.

Both of my KC light sets came with wiring harnesses, relays and switches.