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09-13-2011, 09:58 AM
Even though I don;t care much for the world Heroe for people that are doing their jobs and what they are trained for (military, firefighters and policemen...) but that is another long debate I have about weekly with my wife already ;)

I still thing that once in a while ordinary people are getting out of their ways to do something EXTRA ordinary.
We have seen a lot of that happening with our kiwi friends postings etc...

lets keep this thread to recognise our local heroes ...

This happened yesterday in our little town of Logan Utah.... heroes or not ?


09-13-2011, 10:38 AM
I agree. Most hero stories are about a first responder doing what he was trained to do. Those guys/girls are professional heros. It is like calling a surgeon a hero for preforming a surgery which saves a life. He is doing what he was trained to do.
It is the guy/girl who steps up to a task which they have no training in and saves someone. That is the hero. I saw a news story a couple of months ago of a kid who rushed into a burning home and alerted the occupants of the fire and grabbed their infant and headed out. He was and is a hero.

09-13-2011, 10:41 AM
First lets look at the definition of the word :

Definitions of hero (n)
he·ro [ hrō ]
1. remarkably brave person: somebody who commits an act of remarkable bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character
2. somebody admired: somebody who is admired for outstanding qualities or achievements
3. main character in fictional plot: the principal male character in a movie, novel, or play, especially one who plays a vital role in plot development or around whom the plot is structured

After watching the video I can hardly think why you would not call each and everyone of those people hero's. Each of them put there life in harms way for the sake of another. Did they have to , No. They chose to and for that they deserve the respect of being called hero's. I also believe that even if your job, that you have been trained for puts you in harms way that your actionions could be called heroic and worthy of praise. I would like to state John 15:13 "there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another" Since these people clearly made the decision to do this , I would say that with outa doubt they are all hero's. God Bless them all !!!

09-14-2011, 12:07 AM
great thread steph..... got a few unsung heroes down here ....

09-14-2011, 12:28 AM
Ordinary folks doing extra-ordinary things to help someone out ...

Are heroes IMHO.

Trained professionals, "getting the job done" ...

Are dedicated & muchly appreciated ..... ;) .. :thumbsup:

09-14-2011, 12:32 AM
amazing video, I hope the biker will be ok.
and those are heroes.

09-14-2011, 07:34 AM
Oh by the way, the guy is expected to make full recovery :-) :-) :-) :-)

09-14-2011, 08:42 AM
Your kidding after watching that I thought the person was long gone,...

09-14-2011, 08:06 PM
Saw that on the news this morning. anyone notice the suit just standing there, doing nothing to help? I was happy to learn the biker was alive and expected to make a good recovery. To me a hero is one who places the lives of others before their own. The Congressional Medal of Honor is given to those who, with out thought of their own life, saves the lives of others or acts in a way that saves the lives of others. That is the definition of those I call hero. No matter if they are trained or not, even trained soldiers, fall short on many occassions. The fire fighters and policemen that acted durring 9-11-2001 were heros, they were trained but they could have done just like the suit in that video and just watched and no one would have blamed them for not acting. The people on the flight that was supposed to hit the white house could have done nothing and still died, instead they prevented the terrorist from achieving their goal and died true heros in my book. just my two cents.

XJ Rat
10-06-2011, 01:20 PM
I have been thinking about various comments here for a couple weeks, made replies, then deleted them before posting...

Heroes - be they military, police, firefighters, or Joe Citizen, it is anybody that steps up to the plate and does something above and beyond. A fine example is the latest Medal of Honor recipient. Sure, he was trained in the use of weapons and tactics. However, this Marine disobeyed a direct order and went out to both retrieve his dead friends and save the men still alive. If I am not mistaken military citations for heroism (bravery) begin with words to the affect of, "above and beyond the call of duty". Same goes for a policeman or other first responder running into a burning building to save someone. Common sense says do not do it, but sometimes one just needs to act. The people in the video, yep, they are heroes. Once again, someone needed help and those people stepped up to the plate.
Sure, it is easy to say people are not heroes, they are just doing their job. But, when shoes need filling, there is always someone ready to put them on...Heroes, no matter what field they are in.

10-06-2011, 03:05 PM
well said xj rat, well said.