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View Full Version : Conservative Side of Fence

XJ Rat
08-19-2011, 11:19 AM
A very liberal college junior was home for summer vacation. She was ashamed that her father was as conservative as he was.

At dinner one night Dad asks Jen (his liberal daughter) how she was doing overall with her grades. Jen proudly says she has a 4.0 average, straight A's. Dad then asks her how her friend Marsha is doing. Jen states, "Well, Marsha is very popular and does not miss a party. Sometimes she misses class because she is still drunk. She is getting D's and F's in all her classes, while I study and get A's." Dad then says to Jen, "Why do you not go to the department chair, explain you get straight A's, and Jen is failing. If he averages it out, you both will have a 2.0 average". Jen exclaims, "Thats not fair! I work hard for my 4.0 average. Marsha is lazy, does not do her homework and parties all the time." Dad winks at Jen and says, "welcome to the conservative side of the fence".

08-19-2011, 12:04 PM
Heard that before, but so true.

08-19-2011, 07:18 PM
Well when presented like that.... but I will still stay on my side of the fence ;)

08-29-2011, 10:43 AM
Smart father!!!