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View Full Version : Addicted to 4 wheelin'

06-16-2009, 01:29 PM
-Your email address refers to your truck rather than to you.
- You buy new parts because you don't know where you put the spares.
- You're looking for a tow vehicle and still haven't bought furniture for your house!
- You measure all family acquisitions in terms of the number of parts that could have been purchased.
- You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment.
- Your garage holds more vehicles than your house has bedrooms.
- You have enough spare parts to build another truck.
- You have truck parts in your cubicle at work.
- Your Christmas list begins with another set of BFG MTs and E-Z Locker and your 'significant other' knows what they are
- After your answer to "What did you do this weekend?" the next question is
always: "And you do this for fun? Right?"
- You have a separate drawer for 'garage clothes'.
- People know you by your "off"s". "Oh, you are the one stuck in the mud at Fishing Creek last weekend!"
- You talk to other cars on the road, calling them by the manufacturer's name.
- Your criteria for selecting a significant other include auto repair skills. Air tools optional.
- You plan your wedding around the club schedule.
- You astound the clerk at Sears by bringing in a snapped breaker bar every other week or so.
- You give out 4 wheel Parts Wholesalers number when a friend asks for the best hardware store.
- You hate long distance driving, but you will gladly drive 800 miles to the trail.
- You save broken car parts as " mementos".
- You know the exact story behind every one! (see above)
- You would choose a roll bar over air conditioning if it were an option.
- Your idea of a good time is sitting around figuring out gear ratios and the ideal crawl ratio for given situations.
- When someone refers to "The Good Book", you think of "The Jeep Owners Bible"
- You own five Trucks and only one of them is street legal.
- There's a poster of Moab up on the wall next to the family portraits.
- Your video collection contains more wheeling videos then regular videos.
- Your friends call to tell you they found another way into the woods rather than to see how your doing.
- You refer to "Friends" by the type of truck they drive rather than names.
- You filled out the Top Truck Challenge Voting card but threw away the Census 2000 forms.
- 90% of you work e-mail is wheeling related
- You keep trying to coerce your significant other to allow you to remove the doors on the mini van.
- You refer to the local construction site as "The testing ground".
- You can remember how to get to every trail you've been on but get lost going to your in-laws.
- "The Big Question" refers to Irok or TSL.
- When someone says someone is Biased you immediately think of tires.
- Your truck no longer fits in the garage.
- Your truck has gone to super model status and doesn't leave the garage for any trail less than a 4+.
- Your daily driver is considered a mild trail rig.
- Drivers behind you can see the car in front of you, under the truck.
- The term "Open with Attitude" is tattooed on you, or you're thinking about it.
- You base your next vehicle purchase on it's crawl ratio and what's available for it in the after market.
- People see pictures of your truck flexed out and ask "Is it broken?".
- You stopped washing your truck cause it shows off the scratches.
- Your boss asks you not to bring the truck to work anymore because it won't fit in the parking garage without the antenna scraping the ceiling.
- You've actually replaced a fluorescent light in the parking garage cause your antenna hit it.
- Your club web site is your home page.
- You are in search of a house that borders state forest and refuse to buy anything that's not even remotely close to it.
- You'll drop a couple grand on new axles but the kitchen sink still leaks.
- The vacation pictures are all off road.
- You ALWAYS have your drinks on the rocks!
- You look at an open are in the woods and can determine the best line.
- You base your social class on your recent RTI score rather than how much money you make.
- Working on your truck is considered relaxation.
- Every time you see a lowered truck you wanna get out and slap the driver silly.
- You look at other cars and think to yourself "I can crawl over that".
- You consider Moab as the holy land.
- Tellico no longer scares you.
- You carry more parts to the trail than home.
- You've installed or though about installing a lift on the lawn mower.
- You consider anything without 4wd-Useless.
- Your ideal vehicle is a Unimog.
- Your truck cost as much as an Italian sports car.
- When someone mentions "Extreme" your eyes light up!
- Motivation involves someone saying "you can't make it".

And the #1 Sign you're addicted to four wheeling is:

It's not considered a good trail ride if nothing breaks!

06-16-2009, 07:43 PM
-Your email address refers to your truck rather than to you.
- You buy new parts because you don't know where you put the spares.
- You're looking for a tow vehicle and still haven't bought furniture for your house!
- You measure all family acquisitions in terms of the number of parts that could have been purchased.
- You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment.
- Your garage holds more vehicles than your house has bedrooms.
- You have enough spare parts to build another truck.
- You have truck parts in your cubicle at work.
- Your Christmas list begins with another set of BFG MTs and E-Z Locker and your 'significant other' knows what they are
- After your answer to "What did you do this weekend?" the next question is
always: "And you do this for fun? Right?"
- You have a separate drawer for 'garage clothes'.
- People know you by your "off"s". "Oh, you are the one stuck in the mud at Fishing Creek last weekend!"
- You talk to other cars on the road, calling them by the manufacturer's name.
- Your criteria for selecting a significant other include auto repair skills. Air tools optional.
- You plan your wedding around the club schedule.
- You astound the clerk at Sears by bringing in a snapped breaker bar every other week or so.
- You give out 4 wheel Parts Wholesalers number when a friend asks for the best hardware store.
- You hate long distance driving, but you will gladly drive 800 miles to the trail.
- You save broken car parts as " mementos".
- You know the exact story behind every one! (see above)
- You would choose a roll bar over air conditioning if it were an option.
- Your idea of a good time is sitting around figuring out gear ratios and the ideal crawl ratio for given situations.
- When someone refers to "The Good Book", you think of "The Jeep Owners Bible"
- You own five Trucks and only one of them is street legal.
- There's a poster of Moab up on the wall next to the family portraits.
- Your video collection contains more wheeling videos then regular videos.
- Your friends call to tell you they found another way into the woods rather than to see how your doing.
- You refer to "Friends" by the type of truck they drive rather than names.
- You filled out the Top Truck Challenge Voting card but threw away the Census 2000 forms.
- 90% of you work e-mail is wheeling related
- You keep trying to coerce your significant other to allow you to remove the doors on the mini van.
- You refer to the local construction site as "The testing ground".
- You can remember how to get to every trail you've been on but get lost going to your in-laws.
- "The Big Question" refers to Irok or TSL.
- When someone says someone is Biased you immediately think of tires.
- Your truck no longer fits in the garage.
- Your truck has gone to super model status and doesn't leave the garage for any trail less than a 4+.
- Your daily driver is considered a mild trail rig.
- Drivers behind you can see the car in front of you, under the truck.
- The term "Open with Attitude" is tattooed on you, or you're thinking about it.
- You base your next vehicle purchase on it's crawl ratio and what's available for it in the after market.
- People see pictures of your truck flexed out and ask "Is it broken?".
- You stopped washing your truck cause it shows off the scratches.
- Your boss asks you not to bring the truck to work anymore because it won't fit in the parking garage without the antenna scraping the ceiling.
- You've actually replaced a fluorescent light in the parking garage cause your antenna hit it.
- Your club web site is your home page.
- You are in search of a house that borders state forest and refuse to buy anything that's not even remotely close to it.
- You'll drop a couple grand on new axles but the kitchen sink still leaks.
- The vacation pictures are all off road.
- You ALWAYS have your drinks on the rocks!
- You look at an open are in the woods and can determine the best line.
- You base your social class on your recent RTI score rather than how much money you make.
- Working on your truck is considered relaxation.
- Every time you see a lowered truck you wanna get out and slap the driver silly.
- You look at other cars and think to yourself "I can crawl over that".
- You consider Moab as the holy land.
- Tellico no longer scares you.
- You carry more parts to the trail than home.
- You've installed or though about installing a lift on the lawn mower.
- You consider anything without 4wd-Useless.
- Your ideal vehicle is a Unimog.
- Your truck cost as much as an Italian sports car.
- When someone mentions "Extreme" your eyes light up!
- Motivation involves someone saying "you can't make it".

And the #1 Sign you're addicted to four wheeling is:

It's not considered a good trail ride if nothing breaks!

You left out............The Super Swamper tread pattern you had tattoo'ed on your.......pri_k or junk-----:cool:

06-16-2009, 07:56 PM

06-16-2009, 08:07 PM
You left out............The Super Swamper tread pattern you had tattoo'ed on your.......pri_k or junk-----:cool:

HOLY SHIT! Now that is hardcore!

06-16-2009, 08:52 PM
Thats great Blue

06-17-2009, 12:39 AM
You left out............The Super Swamper tread pattern you had tattoo'ed on your.......pri_k or junk-----:cool:


HOLY SHIT! Now that is hardcore!


06-17-2009, 01:16 AM
Sorry to disappoint everyone but no tats. That would require money that could be spent on Jeep parts.

06-17-2009, 08:08 AM
WOW so many of these apply to me. I guess I'm addicted.

06-17-2009, 10:01 AM
WOW so many of these apply to me. I guess I'm addicted.

We all are to a certain degree, I think!!!:coffee: