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05-06-2011, 08:45 PM
Since, we have been having a nice little discussion about all the sheeple, how they allow themselves to be led around to slaughter or sheering (depending on what congress tells them they need to do) with out question. It would be a good thread to gather everyone's views.

A little definition might be required, so here we go.
Sheeple; 1] a person who, for what ever reason simply "goes with what they are told to do". 2] A morron, incapable of thinking for themselves and then acting on those independent thoughts. People who for what ever reason are afraid of "rocking the boat" for fear of getting out of the rut they love to hate.

Here in the USA the majority are sheeple. I say this for several reasons, first of which is the inability of the masses to see that by keeping the same people in congress, both the house and senate, term after term, they have allowed their lives to be controled, their style of living to go down hill at every new president being elected. Sheeple will blame every thing that congress does on the president, even though he really doesn't make any of the laws, doesn't give himself a raise, doesn't let the government run out of money by inaction, or create more and more governmental rules for everyone but themselves to follow. How much sense does this really make? If you were the head of a company, would you keep this kind of employee around long? Most likely not, unless of course you wanted to go bankrupt. So why do the people of the USA continue to put the same people back into congress, election after election, expecting things to change? Hmmm, I do believe that is the definition of Insanity.

So this is where I sit back for a bit and let others here express their freedom of speach. I will defend your right to speak your mind, to the death if necessary. I do however reserve my right to dissagree. That is the premise of This country after all. To agree to disagree. So speak out! And remember the only real way to get change is to never ever re elect any incumbent. Fresh blood is what this country needs and it needs it right now! No one in congress at this moment is serving the people that put them there, they are only serving themselves.

05-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Amen,Chip. Very well said bro. Just like it used to be when a man could speak his mind and people would believe him. But now the government has lied and made us all think that this or that is the way to go and if you steer the other way you are an outcast to their ongoing power play. Older people are caught in the cross fire because alot of them have no one to fight for them so they are all alone in the constant tug o war between the idiots,oops,governing body of political power.Sorry it just :pee: me off to see someone get shafted by the very people we elect to run our countries.

05-06-2011, 09:01 PM
just remember that when you go vote :D OH yeah, and don't for get to spread the word, "NO encumbents" :patriot:

05-06-2011, 09:01 PM
Oh I thought we were talkin bout a alien planet of women? No kiddin just kiddin and THE ROCK LIZARD is speakin the gospel! My hat's off to ya Bro!
You hit my nail on it's head. Love ya man keep it up Liz!

05-06-2011, 09:07 PM
Oh goooddie!!! I just love politics!

I have to agree with your post. Our elected officials work for US, they have forgotten about that. They can't even see good sense when it comes to money. Could you or I cotinually spend more than we make without consequences? Can we raise our own credit limit? Can we print money every time we start having financial troubles? NO!

We don't get "bail outs" when our small business' fall on hard times, much less if we mis-manage our business'. This country used to be a strong giant powerhouse. How did we get there? By hard work by the sucessful and failure for those who couldn't make it or those who mis-managed their business'.

No, we just run willy nilly worrying about all the "stuff" our neighbor has that we don't or what the next Chinese piece of crap product we're going to buy, or, who's going to win on "Dancing With the Stars", or, who will get voted out off of the island instead of who needs to be voted out of office.

So all the sheeple that think it doesn't matter go back and watch your "Jerry Springer" show, just don't come freak'n crying to me when you wake up and the government has completely taken over your life and doesn't have any cheese to feed your sorry butt with.

My blood pressure is up now! Must take a break for a while. NEXT!?!?

05-06-2011, 09:09 PM
Dang 3 replies while I was typing my rage!

05-06-2011, 09:20 PM
It is up to us Ray, we have shake the sheeple up and tell them to vote out all encumbents. If enough of us speak out to the sheeple, they will begin to follow us instead of those hoser "professional politicans".

05-06-2011, 10:07 PM
x2 liz but part of the problem is the youth of the usa have you talked to any of them lately ? most are dumb as a rock and there the one voting. the good old usa is a bunch of pussy's now the whole government is afraid of hurting someones feelings i say f there feelings if they dont like it go back to were you came from or go crawl back under your rock. lets pass a law that says 1 term only. see how they like that lol .

05-07-2011, 09:42 AM
that's exactly it! one term only. Before the Civil war, most "politicans" were not there for a career they were there to serve the people of their state for a short while then they went back to their real jobs. The south lost the war, congress decided the south would not have a voice to be heard, so the southern congressmen instigated "senority rule" so they could have the voice they should not have been denied in the first place. That was the begining of the end of the USA. We are now suffering because of it. The kids are not so much stupid as complacent and content to live in their video games. This is because our teachers are not allowed to teach anymore, they have been regulated to baby sitters by the courts getting involved in education.

05-07-2011, 10:14 AM
The biggest problem with education now is that we have turned out a whole generation of students on the group teaching plan, where if you are in a group you get credit just for participating. This has discouraged individual thought and initiative and led to a situation of spoon feeding what ever the teachers have on their agenda, which is liberal socialist/union stuff because that is where their bread and butter comes from.

05-07-2011, 10:18 AM
that's exactly it! one term only. Before the Civil war, most "politicans" were not there for a career they were there to serve the people of their state for a short while then they went back to their real jobs. The south lost the war, congress decided the south would not have a voice to be heard, so the southern congressmen instigated "senority rule" so they could have the voice they should not have been denied in the first place. That was the begining of the end of the USA. We are now suffering because of it. The kids are not so much stupid as complacent and content to live in their video games. This is because our teachers are not allowed to teach anymore, they have been regulated to baby sitters by the courts getting involved in education.

It's simpler than video games. It has to do with personal responsibility. They vote for the party that allows them to have the least personal responsibility. Sex should be free, along with free of any pregnancy that may accidentally occur.

05-07-2011, 10:31 AM
1/ turn this country into a real democracy and have more than just 2 main party
2/improve education
3/improve media reports.... I never watch the news here unless I want to laugh this is ridiculous. No wonder why people are so "rigid" about their political views....

I agree with Rene and Steve, kids nowadays are scarely dumbs (I know I have 3). World geography is taught full of cliche and i am not even talking about history.
I know a few kids that know most of the names of the gvernement but have absolutely no idea of their functions... an they are just going to go vote based on a name or popularity rather that a program

I disagree with your statement Liz that politic is not a career. It has to be, you need to have people with with experience doing stuff and it takes a long time to gain experience in politics..... now what i think is that the people hat are actually proposing all these programs that are destroying economies and people, are the young ones that want to get a shot at politics and push to their seniors the new stuff they came upon without experience.

Joliet Johnny
05-07-2011, 10:32 AM
I think one of our biggest problems is that we are to comfortable. Im pretty sure we cal all agree the 50s were the golden age. You know why that was? That generation was born during the depression, defeated the Japanese and Hitler, and because Europe was mostly destroyed had a plethora of jobs to choose from that paid well. We grew up on MTV and Nintendo, credit was easy, Chinese "toys" are cheap and plentiful. Why work for what you have when you can pay tomorrow? Personally Im tired of this on demand lifestyle. Google something called "kitchenistas". But MTV, CNN, FOX, etc tell us to vote for the depublicans so we do or we buck the system and vote for the republicrates. Either way we dont get the fun end of the stick and sand is involved.

05-07-2011, 10:43 AM
Good topic Liz! So far it seem's you have hit a nerve with people. It might have something to do with the music and band's we grew up listen to. My parent's really hated this band! http://youtu.be/j5mJQGMqJvw

05-09-2011, 10:54 AM
growing up, my dad (the colonel) taught me that hard work was good, think with an informed mind and that most of what the press says is to not be believed. I took one journalism class and that convinced me that what my dad and grandfathers said was true. I was a fan of Pink Floyd long before most, probably because I saw they were saying the same things I was seeing happening.

05-09-2011, 11:11 AM
if you want to see how smart kid are now ask them to tell you the time on a old clock ( one with hands )

XJ Rat
05-09-2011, 12:30 PM
One term, two terms max. Political office was never intended to be a career. Serve the people of your area, then go back home and let somebody else do it. George Washington in a letter to James Madison had this to say, "As the first of every thing in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent, it is devoutly wished on my part, that these precedents may be fixed on true principles." He wrote the letter during the time he was asked to run for a third term.

Most of these guys are now self serving bums. On both sides of the isle. Where else can you vote yourself a raise, collect full retirement after 1 term, vote on a healthcare bill that you and your family are 100% exempt from, etc. Politicans today feel they are above the common man.

Oh, and sheeple, my two favorites from uninformed idiots:
> I vote for somebody based on the color of his skin.
> I voted for him because he is cute.
Then these uninformed people find out what they really voted for after the fact...Maybe there is something to administering a basic intelligence test before you are allowed to register. Telling time on an analog watch could be question 1 :D

05-09-2011, 12:53 PM
What about all the war's we are battling, the war on crime,drugs,obesity,poverty,racisim,bigotry,poluti on,illiteracy,facisim,religon,violence and on and on. Why don't we have a war on the boogy man too they already killed santa and the easter bunny.http://youtu.be/w8B2WuudHXs

05-16-2011, 01:17 PM
Last time I checked, you have to be willing, able and discrimanitly kill folks in order to have a war. There is no "war" on drugs, crime or anything else that they are touting as war. We aren't even at war in iraq, afganistan or anywhere else, those are just like vietnam, a "Police Action". War is for conquering the foe and taking their lands for your own. War is for the purpose of aquisitions of land, people and everything else. We don't do that so it isn't war, we just go to force our point of view with military insurgence.