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View Full Version : Help Grow Your Favorite Site!

03-17-2011, 10:26 AM
Hey guys we're growing by leaps and bounds but we can do more! :shocker:

Seriously though I'd really like to have more contests here. I love giving stuff away and then seeing people use the stuff. Pictures, videos etc...

Branded stickers, t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs.

To accomplish this we need more vendors, more members, more subscribers, etc...

When you are spending your hard earned money for Jeep parts, ask that vendor if they know about xjtalk.com! And if they don't ask them WHY THE HELL NOT! :smiley-laughing021: We purposely priced our entry level ad packages CHEAP so the little guy can advertise on a world wide Jeep site! So anyone can afford to advertise here!

If you've been considering being a subscriber stop waiting. For as little as $2.50 a month you can subscribe to xjtalk.com and help us grow! Don't feel comfortable committing to a monthly payment? You can donate! Just check the home page and you'll see where you can subscribe or donate. Of course we like the subscribe more, since it allows us to budget how much money will be available to get stuff for the site.

Thanks to our current subscribers that jumped in with both feet simply because we said we're accepting subscribers now!

Thanks to all our donors. If you've donated in the past consider donating again if xjtalk is entertaining or helpful, hopefully both.

Thanks to all our moderators, admins who donate their time!

And a special thanks to our vendors who PAY to be here and serveral of them give member xjtalk discounts on top!!!!