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View Full Version : Similar Threads - Because I'm an idiot!

01-16-2011, 03:34 PM
I looked for the add on that displays similar threads at the bottom of a post. This way if the post you were looking at didn't contain the information one of the threads listed might, and of course save you some searching time.

I never could find the add on. We'll searching again for that add on I finally found out that it is something built in to the software!!!! So I've done the 3 step process to enable this feature.

Now if you are looking at a post scroll all the way to the bottom and if there are other threads that seems to be similar to the post you are reading they will be listed there. You'll be able to click on them.

Sorry this took so long but this should make it easier to search and find things on the site. :thumbsup:

01-16-2011, 04:10 PM
Nice Feature