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View Full Version : Skype

12-20-2010, 07:37 PM
With the addition to the xjtalk "talk" show and podcast to the site, and it's use of SKYPE to talk to people during the show, several members have been loading the free software on their computers at http://www.skype.com/.

As you may already know SKYPE is a free "telephone" style communications service that lets you make calls from your MAC or PC to other computer, land line or cell phones. Computer to computer calls are free to any computer in the world, as long as that computer is connected to the Internet.

I was speaking with cantab27 about an hour ago. I'm in Texas (USA) and he is in Christchurch New Zealand. We spoke for about 30 minutes and the audio was crystal clear, better than what you can get domestically using a cell phone.

Wayne, cantab27, was wondering how he could get the other xjtalk members SKYPE contact information. Asking is certainly one way but the xjtalk website actually makes it even easier than that. If you go to User CP > Edit Details, close to the bottom of that page is a box where you can put your SKYPE username.

Once you enter and save that information your SKYPE information is available to anyone that looks at your user profile, or on ANY post that you have made, or will make.

Wayne was going to update his SKYPE information and of course mine is already there. You may want to add your SKYPE information as well.


Remember if you get SKYPE and load it on your computer you can call into the xjtalk "talk" show on Wednesday nights 8pm Central! :thumbsup:

12-22-2010, 03:39 AM
I added mine to my profile feel free to add me just let me know who you are if you do. Thanks

12-22-2010, 08:29 AM
Mine is added too feel free to use technology to say hi from time to time ..... but I am not using it too much since I have to get mic and all....
I used to use it a bit to call familly in France and it was OK but for some reason, I gave up on that with the convenience of vonage and free calls to France. Now I don;t have vonage anymore so I might go back to skype who knows?
That includes messengers as well

12-22-2010, 11:03 AM
Mine is added too feel free to use technology to say hi from time to time ..... but I am not using it too much since I have to get mic and all....
I used to use it a bit to call familly in France and it was OK but for some reason, I gave up on that with the convenience of vonage and free calls to France. Now I don;t have vonage anymore so I might go back to skype who knows?
That includes messengers as well

I'm having fits with skype for the first time today. Looks like bandwidth issues, but my bandwidth test seems to show that I'm fine. Dunno.

12-22-2010, 01:42 PM
Figures it would happen on the day that I scheduled an interview...

Skype outage affects millions worldwide - ABC http://abcn.ws/furJnk

12-23-2010, 02:53 AM
yep was good talking tony ... clear as and no delay like when you ring overseas using land line .....another wee touch that is making this site the best out there ..... cheers tony ...