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09-07-2010, 04:44 PM
The one and only and NEW Grant in Aid ORV trail in Northern MN. (not even open yet!) My club is the sponsoring club for the trail. I am head of the trail advisory crew and the dude in the TJ is the club president.
The "Outlaw Trail"
Outlaw Trail- Buddy's rig
Brittany and I, October 2009, Gilbert OHV area

Winter 08-09
One for kicks Independance Rock, Wyoming Spring 2009

09-07-2010, 06:59 PM
I wish there was an organization around here that allowed "Jeep-Type" vehicles to take over trails. Our NSOHV organization is a joke and we are overrun by ATV clubs thinking they own every trail, even our Off-Highway vehicles that pay into the trail fund get no kickbacks, the bridges on the trails are only ATV rated and not big enough for us, and the natural resources department wont let us cross the streams.

Sorry for the off topic, looks like a great area!

09-08-2010, 02:20 AM
col pics , cheers

09-11-2010, 06:54 PM
yep i know all about it. MN is not a very ATV friendly state so as a jeeper we have pull over them IMO. The truck community as a whole likes to work for what they want, when it comes to working on trails, showing up for cleanups etc. Most ATV owners just want to ride and thats it. We have friends from all over the state that come up and help out on the trail. Twin Cities Offroad (TCOR) are good friends of ours that like to work!

09-11-2010, 08:51 PM
We did a few cleanups in our area, spent four hours on one cleaning up trail cleaning up after the atv and snowmobile clubs, the four hours we spent was only a 5 minute trail in the rigs. We loaded three jeeps with crap (beer bottles).

That trail was nothing but a piss off, we couldnt believe the condition they left it in, we say it is that club, before us you could barely get samurai in there. At least with permission from our local lands and forests office, we have it on paper our club is allowed to be on that system, as long as we stay out of the water.

09-12-2010, 09:19 AM
We also have a trail like that. It the Outlaw Trail that is pictured above. The entrance and exit for this trail (its about 4 miles long or so) are hidden right in the open. The MNDNR lets us club members ride on it but no one else can..

12-03-2010, 10:18 AM
its very awesome

01-03-2011, 03:01 PM
Forgot about this thread..
One day cutting last fall.. This was the day the "raw" trail got finished!!

01-16-2011, 05:04 AM
Went for a a ride out on the lake yesterday.. Little chilly with temps hovering around 2 below and I was cruising around in a sweatshirt and tenni shoes.


01-16-2011, 09:00 AM
always knew cherokee could walk (or drive ) on water.:innocent0002:
nice pix and very nice train keep up the good work.

XJ Rat
01-16-2011, 09:51 AM
Beautiful looking area you got up there.

Seems as if many in the off-highway crowd do not get it. Major problem is littering on the trail, especially beer cans and bottles. The closer areas seem to have more litter. I associate that with the off-roaders only wanting to go as far as necessary to ride. Seems that a majority, but not all, of the offenders are under thirty. They just do not care: drink beer, ride, and throw the empty container in the bushes. Momma will clean up after them. I have seen this in Jeepers, but most are young ATV riders.

OK, off my soapbox...:sign0005:

01-17-2011, 01:17 AM
Awesome looking landscape... and beautiful rigs as well.. I wish we had wheeling and groups like you got around here...

01-17-2011, 12:16 PM
ATVers ARE the worst. They want everything handed to them and they don't like to work for anything. Yes there is some active clubs so there are a select few that do work for what they have but those that are good are overrun by those who want everything handed to them. TV shows like the last edition of Top Gear are not good for reasonable 4 wheelers image btw. I think the history channel is going to get lots of flak for that one.

01-18-2011, 06:53 PM
Our bridge on the Mesabi Mountain Trail circa about a week ago.

Bridge deck is about 4 feet off the ground FYI. We plan to run this trail in Febuary in our rigs. Should be interesting!

01-18-2011, 06:58 PM
Another one from th archives of last fall; me after a day of trail cutting.. Looks like im ready for a steak and some beer (which we do and the club pays for after every outing)