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07-27-2010, 02:06 AM
I get the feeling most of the folks on here are fairly conservative, so I thought you all might appreciate this clip, if you haven't seen it already.
Funny, and sad:


07-27-2010, 02:34 AM
The caller was a guy? :shocker:

07-27-2010, 10:25 AM
Unbelievable. Somebody sign her up for a candidate for he Darwin awards.

07-29-2010, 03:51 PM
It is sad that people like this can call America home.:patriot:

07-29-2010, 04:53 PM
It is sad that people like this can call America home.:patriot:

Actually I think that's one of the things that makes American great. :patriot:

But I do understand what you mean. :smiley-scared002:

10-08-2010, 09:16 AM
I LOVE MICHAEL SAVAGE!!!! i miss listening to his show, I cannot find it on my local stations. I have read every one of his books. He's amazing!

This woman is NUTS!!!! NUTS!!!

Open the borders and let them come in LEGALLY. My family came from Italy, stood at Ellis Island, got a job, learned the language, etc etc.

10-08-2010, 10:19 AM
She is not nuts, she is uneducated..... people do crazy things when they are misinformed.... even presidents ;)

Coming in LEGALLY is expensive nowadays (I know...) getting a job is not that easy (I had one set up for me when I came in), speaking the language ? well what language ? English is great to get around but as far as I know it is not the official language of the USA....
However, embracing the way of life of the country you immigrate to is a necessity but once again what is the "culture" of this Nation since it was founded on the bases of diversity....

10-08-2010, 10:24 AM
It is actually a blend of many cultures. It also means tolerance for other cultures as well. A fact that many cultures coming here have forgotten recently.

10-08-2010, 10:24 AM
Just so everyone is clear this site will hear both sides, or three or four sides. I don't mind giving someone a hard time, or even telling them they are wrong, but everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs. It's not politically correct, it just good manners, and I (you) might learn something in the process. :patriot:

I am conservative in many area, and you'll see my posts lean (or camp out alone) in that direction.

If you fear posting up your liberal, democratic beliefs, then you've missed the point of this site, or we're doing something wrong.

10-08-2010, 10:35 AM
I am not sure I understand fully your statement Mudderoy....

As stated, I am a green card resident and even though I am not allowed to vote I would say I lean toward democratic ideas.

I am all for LEGAL immigration.... opening borders is not and never has been a good solution for a country.... the case of this woman is however not deserving her purpose and this is sad because she makes the welfare system sound like a crazy system....
ABUSES are terrible and better control should be in place...

Just as an examples I have people in my own family that are hard core republicans and bashing the present administration while in line to go get their welfare checks and social benefits....

Yes "the Melting Pot" is what made America.... maybe it is also what is making it weak right now. When a country loses it's identity.... and this is favored by the "politicaly correct". When people will see themselves as Americans it will be better.... no more african-americans, irish americans, latinos or else.... just americans with different cultures working for the good of the community

10-08-2010, 10:53 AM
The subject of the melting pot was addressed a lot when I was in elementary and high school. We as a country, have gone through several "crises" when we had a flood of immigrants from various countries. The last major one was when the Irish came here by the thousands during the potato famine. The lasting effects of that finally disappeared in the early 60s. Many movies in the 40s and 50s had the stereotypical Irish cop and priests. Seemed like George Kennedy always got those parts. Anyway there were always cultural frictions here and there. However what is different about now is that we have somehow gotten the idea that the legal system can be used to preserve cultural diversity and promote that friction.

10-12-2010, 08:07 PM
Did you see this one?


I wonder how that's worked out for her?


10-12-2010, 09:30 PM
I am dumbfounded. I have no words. :eek:

10-13-2010, 09:04 AM
I laughed...
More seriously though I still think that HOPE is a good thing for a country and that if you manage to give hope to the people then you can get out of the mess we are in now... and in that regard, well let's say that this woman shows a lot of hope for the future....
Now the downside of hope is dream... and this one is certainly a big dreamer...

Come on people, let's get our asses off the couch and do something to make this happen ;) (sarcasm inside)

10-13-2010, 09:31 AM
I laughed...
More seriously though I still think that HOPE is a good thing for a country and that if you manage to give hope to the people then you can get out of the mess we are in now... and in that regard, well let's say that this woman shows a lot of hope for the future....
Now the downside of hope is dream... and this one is certainly a big dreamer...

Come on people, let's get our asses off the couch and do something to make this happen ;) (sarcasm inside)

I'm very hopeful that a lot of "somebodys" will be getting off the couch and voting this November. Hopefully with the stability of either a pro business bunch, or better a stalemate between the congress whitehouse business can see that things will be stable enough to start hiring people.

Watching what is going on it France, people protesting the retirement age from 60 to 62, what this lady has to say is very serious to me. This shows that there are people out there that want to be taken care of by the government! The government should work for us, not the other way around. When all your life is given to you by the government who is in control?

It isn't a case of the rich getting richer, it's a case of people working hard are getting richer and the people that want to be taken care of by the government aren't getting off their a$$es and working, so they get poorer.