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View Full Version : "Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend!" Show Review - Air date: 3/31/2010

04-01-2010, 10:44 AM

Review of Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend (http://ustream.tv/AlisonRosen).
You can follow Alison Rosen on Twitter http://twitter.com/AlisonRosen! She also has a website with a blog at http://www.AlisonRosen.com/

Well I failed to provide a review of last weeks show, primarily because I didn't feel I could do justice to the show. Don't get me wrong it was a very good show, but I was a little to involved with myself "chatting" making funny comments in the ustream chat. (ok I thought they were funny).

As usual the show starts with some drama. Dustin, Alison's not so trusty sidekick, is either going to be there or not. We just don't know until Alison tells us. He is coming. Personally I like this because I'd rather someone else be there (that she knows) when a complete stranger comes to her apartment to appear and be interviewed.

After hearing that Dustin is coming, then we have to decide when he should be there. I say now, but that's because of the reason I just mentioned above. The first guest is Koryn (I hope I spelled that correctly). She is a friend of Alison's and it's funny how Koryn switches from speaking loudly so we all can hear her clearly to a "gossip" voice as she's telling Alison the intimate details of her life.

Koryn and Alison in very public gossip session.

For example if you are spending the night with Koryn, sort of like a camp out indoors I guess, you better not mess with her while she is going through her morning routine, or she'll boot you out! I would recommend leaving after the fun is over, say after all the smores have been eaten.

Oh and no touching in the morning, that's a no no as well. Personally I don't think she's a morning person. During Koyrn's interview, (gossip session), there was a knock at the door it was Dustin (the sidekick) and shortly afterward followed by the night's primary guest, Andrew WK (http://andrewwk.com/) (a.k.a. Andrew Fetterly Wilkes-Krier)


Andrew WK is a musician. His album "I Get Wet" released in 2001, "The Wolf" in 2003, "Who Knows?" in 2006. His songs have been included in video the game "Madden NFL 2003". His songs have also been using in several movies and commercials.

Andrew was dressed not unlike how you'd expect a homeless person to appear. Long hair, un-brushed, wearing a baseball hat and with an uncontrolled 5 day growth on this face that could be loosely called a beard. He wore a jacket and what looked to be jeans. This guy looked like trouble to me.

I selected this picture because it has Dustin chugging a beer in the background! :rotfl2:

Alison notice something in his hair, that turned out to be a piece of fluff from the carpet. He figured it got there when he took a brief lay down in the hall after a prior interview. :smiley-scared002:

The always helpful Alison removes fluff from guests hair.

Andrew started with several questions about Alison's apartment. Complimented her on how nice it was. Then he was asking about the various items with in sight. He was very relaxed, and seemed genuinely interested in Alison's surroundings and show.

He asked several detailed questions about the show, how long she had been doing it, etc...

After a few minutes I began to look past his outward appearance and focused on the person underneath. There were several ARIYNBF (Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend) fan questions for Andrew having to do with partying. Alison asked one fan questions "Have you ever puked while partying then kept partying?"

Andrew's answer was amazing. He was at a party, came home, puked then avoided the circumstance that got him sick. I mean DAH! Who wants to repeat some action that you suspect will make you sick?

I guess what I found most impressive about Andrew WK wasn't that he was a normal person, but that he didn't try to come off as something more. You know someone that is so vastly different than you, better, you must worship them and buy their albums. He is just a talented guy being himself. Very refreshing!

Out of respect for Andrew I kept my little side show to a minimum so people could focus on the interview.

Turns out Andrew WK enjoys shows like "Star Trek" (the original series) and "The Facts of Life", among others. Alison is a fan of "The Facts of Life" so they spent several minutes of "do you remember the episode..." Very funny to watch.

All too soon the Andrew WK interview was over.

But then it was time for the wavy pencil dance!

Sheer joy from the participants of the wavy pencil dance.

I don't care how cold a heart, how bad a day you've had. Watching Alison go from professional to a kid in 15 seconds is a joy to behold. She loves, LOVES, the wavy pencil dance. On more than one occasion I thought she was going to hyperventilate and pass out. It always brings an uncontrollable smile to my face!

The show now has segments, like "TV Time", "Call A Fan", "Deleted Tweets" and much more. Most important is the show's host. Keep in mind this is a one person show. She does it all, week after week.

One minor correction, she doesn't do it ALL, some of her new found best friends help out, like Trappdog. If you watch last night's show take note of the music. That is music that Tom Rapp (a.k.a. Trappdog) wrote and performed for Alison's show. The beautiful logo that is at the top of this post was done by Killza (I believe that is correct) a Texas resident.

So take a few moments and have a look. The worst case is you'll have a chuckle.


01-26-2011, 09:58 AM
Ok for all of you that DIDN'T go watch "Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend" well she's now on "The Adam Carolla Show"
