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View Full Version : Movie Review: 2012 and Moon

03-03-2010, 11:09 AM
We rented 2012, Moon, and The Time Travels Wife. I doubt I'll watch the last one. :D

The family, at least all those that still live at home, watched 2012 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1190080/).

The 2009 movie deals with those pesky Mayans and their proclivity to predict the end of the world. One has to wonder if they predicted their own demise.
Unless you've been under a rock, the Mayan calendar ends on December 21st 2012, personally I think they just had to end the calendar sometime, and that was it. Anyway as it turns out, in the movie 2012, the Mayans were right! Thank god because otherwise the movie would just be about us going through our daily lives.

The special effects in this movie are spectacular. If you do watch this movie, or watch it again, note the debris failing out of the building as the twin engine plane sores by. It is amazing to me the level of computer graphic that we are at, but of course that was 2007/2008 when that movie's graphics were computer rendered (I'm assuming).

The movie flowed very well however as in most graphically spectacular movies there wasn't much acting. I personally enjoy John Cusack, so if you are a fan of his you won't see much of his acting in this movie. What acting he does is good, and true to his nature he delivers some well timed funny lines.

Amanda Peet is almost non-existent in this movie and that is a shame. If you recall her from "The Whole 9 Yards", she clearly can do some good work.

So all in all I enjoyed the movie very much. When it was obvious to me that the movie was reaching it's climax, I thought to myself that I was totally engrossed in the movie and didn't realize where the time had gone. Truly the mark of a good movie, or even a good conversation!

With the massive special effects I would have liked to see this one on the really big screen.

"Moon" review coming soon!

03-03-2010, 02:13 PM
Wow? I may take a shot at this flick now, I thought that it looked like another one of those dooms day terds that have great effects and no plot at all. Almost like a porn movie for CGI junkies!?!?!

03-03-2010, 02:50 PM
Wow? I may take a shot at this flick now, I thought that it looked like another one of those dooms day terds that have great effects and no plot at all. Almost like a porn movie for CGI junkies!?!?!

lol, I'll have to go back and re-read what I wrote, because I thought that I said no big story, just great special effects but I was entertained.

03-04-2010, 11:47 PM
Have to see it now. Wonder if it is in RedBox yet?

03-05-2010, 12:12 AM
Have to see it now. Wonder if it is in RedBox yet?

That's where we got these. :patriot:

03-05-2010, 08:40 AM
That's where we got these. :patriot:

Will check my local RedBox today, Thanks.