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View Full Version : Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do... :(

02-11-2010, 11:00 AM
Well guys I hate to say it but after alot and I mean alot of consideration, I have sold my XJ. :(

I had started keeping track of my finances for the first time ever, and realized that half a months salary was spent on my Jeep, between the insurance, payment, GAS!!, and constant upkeep. I keep wondering why I never had any money to actually go out on the trails and have fun like I wanted to. It was the whole reason for buying the Turtle Tank. Gas was the main reason. I drive 80 miles a day to work and was averaging 10-13MPG!!! Add in the trips to the grocery store and driving on the weekends and before I knew it I would spend $500 - $600 every month on gas.

I knew when I bought the truck it wouldnt get more than 16MPG. I never knew it would get as little as 10. But I knew the fun of being offroad again would balance it out. So I did everything I could think of to help increase the mileage. Took off the roof rack, took everything out that I didnt need on my way to work, like the tool box, and other random gear I kept for those just in case situations. Didnt make a difference.

So I decided that I would spread the word I would like to sell the Beast outright or trade for something more economical until I could get on a budget and save up and buy another one outright. This time a cheap stock one and build it myself. Cause as Ive learned from on here and other forums (this was really the only I keep posting to, but as you can tell I dropped off the radar for way to long due to work and other issues that were out of my control) a Jeep is Built not Bought. Cause you never know what shortcuts were taken when the PO did the mods. Could end up costing more to fix an issue that the PO cause cause he was a cheap skate. It will be awhile though because I am having to relocate 1200 miles west for a new job in July. So I had to do something to get the saving account built up before then.

So over this past weekend I got an offer that I could not refuse. I traded the Turtle Tank for (please dont laugh) a 2002 Hyundai Elantra (its economical, practical, cheap to run, stuff doesnt break as often, etc) and get this I got some boot in the deal as well. Almost enough to pay the Jeep completely off! So no more car payment. Now im driving all week and into the weekend on a single fill up, whereas with the jeep I would had to fill up 3 times.

I will miss it in the snow though cause the lil elantra hard as it tries is just to light to even think about making it anywhere when the ground is covered.

I didnt mean for this post to be this long. I will check back in as often as I can cause I like this forum and I like the people. So if anyone is thinking of selling their rig towards the end of the year of early next year let me know cause I know I will want one when I get settled in Colorado.

And sorry I didnt post it on here for sale the trade just kinda happened on the spot. And the guy that bought it lives in the smokies and needs it worse than I do and can stretch her legs more than I was able to!

02-11-2010, 11:30 AM
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will now be able to afford another and be back with us. But your right. Driving 80 miles a day is expensive in an XJ. I tend to drive a high milage car to work when driving like that and save the Jeep for fun and weekends.

02-11-2010, 11:45 AM
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will now be able to afford another and be back with us. But your right. Driving 80 miles a day is expensive in an XJ. I tend to drive a high milage car to work when driving like that and save the Jeep for fun and weekends.

i got my xj to save the milage on my dodge :smiley-laughing021: it stinks that you had to let her go hope you find a good one when you get ready :thumbsup:

02-11-2010, 12:02 PM
Well guys I hate to say it but after alot and I mean alot of consideration, I have sold my XJ. :(

I had started keeping track of my finances for the first time ever, and realized that half a months salary was spent on my Jeep, between the insurance, payment, GAS!!, and constant upkeep. I keep wondering why I never had any money to actually go out on the trails and have fun like I wanted to. It was the whole reason for buying the Turtle Tank. Gas was the main reason. I drive 80 miles a day to work and was averaging 10-13MPG!!! Add in the trips to the grocery store and driving on the weekends and before I knew it I would spend $500 - $600 every month on gas.

I knew when I bought the truck it wouldnt get more than 16MPG. I never knew it would get as little as 10. But I knew the fun of being offroad again would balance it out. So I did everything I could think of to help increase the mileage. Took off the roof rack, took everything out that I didnt need on my way to work, like the tool box, and other random gear I kept for those just in case situations. Didnt make a difference.

So I decided that I would spread the word I would like to sell the Beast outright or trade for something more economical until I could get on a budget and save up and buy another one outright. This time a cheap stock one and build it myself. Cause as Ive learned from on here and other forums (this was really the only I keep posting to, but as you can tell I dropped off the radar for way to long due to work and other issues that were out of my control) a Jeep is Built not Bought. Cause you never know what shortcuts were taken when the PO did the mods. Could end up costing more to fix an issue that the PO cause cause he was a cheap skate. It will be awhile though because I am having to relocate 1200 miles west for a new job in July. So I had to do something to get the saving account built up before then.

So over this past weekend I got an offer that I could not refuse. I traded the Turtle Tank for (please dont laugh) a 2002 Hyundai Elantra (its economical, practical, cheap to run, stuff doesnt break as often, etc) and get this I got some boot in the deal as well. Almost enough to pay the Jeep completely off! So no more car payment. Now im driving all week and into the weekend on a single fill up, whereas with the jeep I would had to fill up 3 times.

I will miss it in the snow though cause the lil elantra hard as it tries is just to light to even think about making it anywhere when the ground is covered.

I didnt mean for this post to be this long. I will check back in as often as I can cause I like this forum and I like the people. So if anyone is thinking of selling their rig towards the end of the year of early next year let me know cause I know I will want one when I get settled in Colorado.

And sorry I didnt post it on here for sale the trade just kinda happened on the spot. And the guy that bought it lives in the smokies and needs it worse than I do and can stretch her legs more than I was able to!

I'm sure we'd all like to have a boat, a yacht, a monster truck, a house in Italy, etc... but we have to do what we can do. Sounds like you make a great decision for your circumstances. Besides it isn't like you can't buy another XJ. I mean that haven't stop making them yet. Oh, wait a minute. :rotfl2:

BTW, I hope you stick with us. Having an XJ isn't a requirement for being a member here. I know it may not be as interesting without a XJ but...

02-11-2010, 01:09 PM
I'm sure we'd all like to have a boat, a yacht, a monster truck, a house in Italy, etc... but we have to do what we can do. Sounds like you make a great decision for your circumstances. Besides it isn't like you can't buy another XJ. I mean that haven't stop making them yet. Oh, wait a minute. :rotfl2:

BTW, I hope you stick with us. Having an XJ isn't a requirement for being a member here. I know it may not be as interesting without a XJ but...

i agree you can keep up with everything that all of us are doing and maybe get some ideas for your next xj :thumbsup:

02-11-2010, 01:17 PM
Stick around the party is just starting.
Muddy send him an XJT sticker for the Elantra.

02-11-2010, 01:21 PM
Stick around the party is just starting.
Muddy send him an XJT sticker for the Elantra.

New bumper sticker...

Don't laugh my OTHER vehicle used to be a Cherokee!

02-11-2010, 01:24 PM
Good idea.

02-11-2010, 01:25 PM
i am in the same boat my jeep is bad on gas but i only drive it about twice a week. me and my wife work at the same place and it is only like ten miles away from home. so it works out great for me. sorry to hear about your lose.

02-11-2010, 01:56 PM
A friend of mine owns a Hyundai Elantra and she loves it, I agree it is much easier on the fuel bill, Good for you for thinking ahead and getting back on track, trust me I have considered getting rid of my xj as well. Like others have said stick around, you'll have another, but untill then you still have opinions and thoughts you could share.

02-11-2010, 02:00 PM
I get between 12 and 13.6 mpg. I fill up once a week. So I spend around $160 a month in gas. That's going back and forth to work about 40 miles a day.

02-11-2010, 02:17 PM
My fuel bill is going to be nasty this month it's only the 11th and I have already spent $157 in fuel for my XJ going to Seattle and back, then I just spent $126 in Diesel going to brothers and back, thats $283 between both and I still have 17 days left :smiley-scared002:

02-11-2010, 07:33 PM
srry for your loss - throw some blizzacs on the elantra and you will get around fine. then when you get your finances a little better you can buy another xj just to drive for fun time since you already have the economy vehicle

02-12-2010, 07:53 AM
I love the bumper sticker idea!

Dont Laugh my other car used to be an XJ.

and I plan on sticking around. I just wish I had the time to be more active on here, but between work, studying, and the whole moving bit i just cant seem to get on near as often as I like.

And thanks for all the comments. I know I will own another XJ! the next one i hope will be a newer model, but still a 2 door.

02-12-2010, 08:44 AM
I love the bumper sticker idea!

Dont Laugh my other car used to be an XJ.

and I plan on sticking around. I just wish I had the time to be more active on here, but between work, studying, and the whole moving bit i just cant seem to get on near as often as I like.

And thanks for all the comments. I know I will own another XJ! the next one i hope will be a newer model, but still a 2 door.

Hey don't be hating on the 4 doors. Remember the nice thing about a 4 door is the doors are lighter and won't wear out the hinges as fast.

I may check into making that bumper sticker with the xjtalk logo on it. See how much it is...

02-12-2010, 09:21 AM
I noticed that about my XJ. The doors were saggin abit. I especially noticed it after I would give it a bath or I didnt close the door all the way when it rained and would have to sit in a soggy seat. lol...

o well just gives it character I guess. lol :)

BTW the last 4 door car I owned was a 1994 Deville... hehe

02-12-2010, 09:23 AM
And btw if you do check on that sticker please let me know how much one is! I am very interested in one.

02-14-2010, 08:59 PM
I would be in this situation if my work wasn't so close to where I live.
Luckily enough we can take my wife's car most places we go so the Jeep gets drove to work and plays on the weekend sometimes.