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11-28-2009, 01:29 PM
and you're seeing it here first...........



Something I've been attempting to get at for 3 years now, finally made the time..........Front Eye to Frame Bracket reinforcement/repair. Our XJ's were never intended to be used, lifted, modified and abuised as they are today. When one takes the time to study this area, they'll find it's very inadequate for anything more than street use.

More later........... :thumbsup:

11-28-2009, 02:48 PM
Took me a couple seconds to figure out wtf that was but now I think I got it. :smiley-laughing021:

i didn't realize that was a weak spot. I'm gonna check out mine for 7" cracks and rust holes....

So it's a weld/bolt-on application?

11-28-2009, 05:26 PM
Application is strickly 'weld-in', and a 110 welder will do the job.

While more prevalent in snow belt states for rust, the design itself is pretty weak for anything more than street use, as stated......it lends itself to fatigue over time and this is proven by the nut used to secure the leal spring which many times fail when attempting to install a lift, it's not only rust which helps the connection fail, it's a rocking motion within the area as it ages, the rocking motion weakins the spot welds retaining the internal suspension nut.

Consider this, a YJ.....which also runs leaf springs uses an 11 gauge box frame to support it's '7' gauge spring bracketry in the same area.

Our XJ's use this:

The only additional support is provided by your rear seat divider under your back seat, it runs the full width of the vehical and is formed from 18 gauge steel.......not much of a gusset.

On the rust issue, I've repaired no less that 4 XJ's inwhich these areas of support were actually rusted out, there is next to nothing creating any degree of strength to the area once the floor is missing or soft. Also, the seam-sealer they use at the factory is VERY flammable, I almost lost my brothers XJ to fire making the repair.......caution needs to be used.

11-28-2009, 08:46 PM
Have you installed one yet?
i would love to see some pics of it welded in.

11-28-2009, 09:08 PM
I'm definitely interested in what this looks like when installed as well.

11-29-2009, 11:10 AM
Yes, I did a prototype install 2 years ago on my own, the prior repairs were just 'repairs'......It did'nt hit me to create a "Bridge/Repair Kit" for others until I studied the area further........I developed the templates during my prototype install, and never followed up do to the move. The past few weeks I took the templates to the next level and started creating the parts for final fit and finish, basically it's now ready to role. It's a very senseable upgrade.

I'll be creating another post later today in the Tech/Vendor section, I need to dig thru photo's of the prototype install and maybe snap some new pics today as well....

Questions/comments/concerns.......Throw them at me here!!! :thumbsup:

11-29-2009, 05:40 PM
Sooooo......I set out this morning to get some better photo's of the parts, I pulled the wifes bone stock ('95) down onto the pad to use as representation to fit the parts to.....when low and be hold.........her XJ is rotting out in this same exact area as well.......:smiley-scared002: , we dont wheel this vehical on anything more than light trails, and I make a point to clean and repaint the undercarriage once a year.........

End result, I have yet another photographed install.........using the parts "as formed" and shipped, they fit well, I needed to do nothing except prep & weld....this is a good thing!

I have about 20 photo's to resize and new text to write, I'll most likely get to it tommorrow evening and hopefully post......I was'nt planning another install but this worked out very well.

End result in primer:

The area is difficult to photograph, but I think I have enough shots to get the point accross.....:smiley-gen165:

11-30-2009, 01:03 PM
Sucks that your wifes XJ is having the same problem, but it must feel good knowing you can fix it right up!

11-30-2009, 03:30 PM
Thanks Spanky I don't yet have any rot in that area but it is comforting to know you have a solution.

11-30-2009, 06:59 PM
Sucks that your wifes XJ is having the same problem, but it must feel good knowing you can fix it right up!

Yea well......Knowing how sensetive the XJ floor pan can be, I thought I was keeping up with hers, but I guess not...........The bridging of the bracket I feel will be the better aspect of the kit.......rust repair secondary.