View Full Version : Welcome New Members!

02-25-2016, 02:01 PM
We have been having a flood of new members! Thank you for taking the time to join.

If anyone hasn't been able to join please go to the bottom of the page and click on "Contact Us" and let us know about your specific problem and we'll try to get it worked out so you can join and post.

If you missed it here are a few rules! {people start rolling their eyes!} :D

No need to worry that you are asking a dumb question! Ask! None of us started out knowing it all, and "dare I say" we still don't!

If you see a really old post but you want to comment on it, or ask a question, REPLY to it! Or if you want start a new post. The important thing here is that you make your thoughts known, or ask your question! We want to here from you.

Should you do an extensive search of the Internet before asking your question? HELL NO! Why would we have a forum that only allowed thoroughly researched questions?!?!? This makes no sense. We are here to help you. Besides sometimes people don't even know what to search for. You have to have so tiny bit of information that only experience has provided.

The only real rule we have is to be respectful to the other members. If you see a post that upsets you, report it. If the staff sees a post that is disrespectful we private message the poster, let them know what the issue is and then we edit the post, or delete it to bring it in line with being a respectful post.

Fortunately we don't have to edit or delete posts very often, and other than spammers, I think we've banned one member in the 6 years of operation of the :xjtalk:

Oh and if you don't already know about it, we have a podcast! Jeep Talk Show, http://jeeptalkshow.com