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View Full Version : Ham radio alerts the Western World of Lithuanian invasion

10-09-2015, 01:31 PM
January 1991 Russian forces in an attempt to remove Lithuanian independence, invade Vilnius with tanks and men. They attempt to shut down communications with the outside world but Tadas Vyšniauskas (LY2BAW) using the Amateur radio station in the Lithuanian Parliament puts out distress calls that were answered by Juergan Nittner (N9RD) in Indiana and Jerry Rosalius (WB9Z) in Illinois who were able to contact news channels such as CNN and pass on events as they were unfolding. As propagation changed amateurs in other parts of the US take over and continue to relay information.

I know this is not Jeep communications related but it is a fine example of how having the knowledge and ability to communicate without infrastructure can be of great help during an emergency, even when it may not be YOUR emergency.

10-09-2015, 01:33 PM
Wow, that is amazing!

10-09-2015, 03:29 PM
Knowledge is powerful, knowledge of technology can make you money, save your life, or both.

10-10-2015, 07:34 AM
That is awesome right there... something I'm sure the news did not report was how it the news or information was spread!!

10-16-2015, 08:16 AM
Just goes to show how those who would oppress can always be defeated through dedicated, willing actions by people outside the danger zone. What a great story of how Amateur Radio operators can and do make a difference.

My introduction to Amateur Radio was in 1964 when my father was in Vietnam. Later on I got to participate in radio phone calls to soldiers families, it was great to know that I could help folks that way.

I'm talking to my wife now about getting my license again and putting up a system for Tornado duty in our new home town, Vilonia, AR. the town has been hit twice in 3 years, this last one saw over 500 people give up and leave for good. The communications during the first week were very sparse and I can't help but think if there were some HAM's here, things could have gone much better in the aftermath that first week.

10-17-2015, 10:40 AM
The skill we, as Off-road enthusiast, Ham Radio operators, Mechanics, Electricians, even shade tree mechanics are skills that when shared are an asset to many. Remember that your hobbies our not just fun, they are awesome abilities!