View Full Version : Driving Pet Peeves

03-31-2015, 08:08 AM
What are everybody's #1 pet peeve that other drivers do?

Mine are the people that wait until the lane ends to merge even when there are signs that say, "right lane ends in one mile merge left".... "Right lane ends in 1/2 mile merge left"...."right lane ends in 1000ft merge left"

Even more infuriating are the people that intentionally get into those lanes to try to pass up some traffic.

03-31-2015, 08:31 AM
What are everybody's #1 pet peeve that other drivers do?

Mine are the people that wait until the lane ends to merge even when there are signs that say, "right lane ends in one mile merge left".... "Right lane ends in 1/2 mile merge left"...."right lane ends in 1000ft merge left"

Even more infuriating are the people that intentionally get into those lanes to try to pass up some traffic.

lol happened Friday. Traffic backed up, and normally I'll just let the line cutters in if they behave signal and don't try to intimidate. This guy did none of those, well except the intimidate. I left about a 1/2 car lengths between me and the car in front.

He just kept coming closer and closer. Finally as I moved up his driver's side mirror bent forward when it came in contact with mine.

I just turned and laughed. Kept moving up. He had to pull in behind me, but he either hit my Jeep with his hand or threw something at it.

So I had to pull off the road and have a chat with him.

Why you don't let me in? Why you a$$hole? I told him in some colorful language what he could do. He said "Hit me so I can call the police" I told him he has to swing first. He looked at me and said I think I could out run you. I laughed and said yeah you probably could. I guess he didn't like that. It was obvious the big puss wasn't going to do anything, so I walked away and got back into line.

People are idiots then they further that by claiming some sort of right that you must let them in. Nope, my lane and you're the one that wants in it. So signal, wait your turn, etc... and everyone gets along and moves forward in as quick as a manner as possible.

Oh here's another pet peeve...


03-31-2015, 09:46 AM
Rice burners that have to stop and take 5 minutes to get into the driveway and people that don't turn on a blinker until after there turning

03-31-2015, 10:33 AM
I have two big ones...
The first is those special douche nozzles that insist on making the attempt to merge onto the freeway at 35mph. Oh no! ... we couldn't possibly be bothered to be less oblivious to the throngs of fast moving vehicles quickly approaching your slow ass... god forbid you should have to give a glance to any one of the three mirrors at your disposal to recognize that YES... you are indeed entering a high speed zone...and that EVERYONE ELSE is able to push the skinny pedal a little bit more to ensure that their speed, matches that of the rest of the stream of cars at which you are about to wedge your jalopy into. LET US ALL BRAKE HEAVILY so that you can attempt a slow speed merge onto THE FREEWAY. What's the typical speed limit on our nations freeways?
"a minimum of 55 miles per hour" even the most retarded of 4th graders would answer!
... you... Mr. couldn't accelerate your way out of a wet paper bag... You are the reason that i now have to pull some bone headed maneuver in order to get around you, and up to speed to enter the mix of the rest of the travelers. THANK YOU for your insistence that the laws be changed so that no one can merge onto the freeway at anything faster than a snails pace.
So for you... Captain Oblivious.... I bequeath unto you the Zippy The Wonder Slug Award... and from this point forward, you will hence forth be titled king douche.

Secondly, and probably one of the ones that gets overlooked the most, are those window lickers that believe that they have been elevated to a higher form of existence... an ethereal plane in which the use of turn signals is so incredibly beneath them, that the simple task of even extending a finger to move a spring loaded lever that indicates to the rest of the world around you - that yes indeed you will be attempting a change in direction of the vehicle in which you assume you have control over. BUT NOOOOOO!!!!... the mere THOUGHT of having your car make those "clicky noises" and that flashy light in the dash being illuminated disgusts you in a way that is unfathomable to us common folk. No there will be no indicators lighting up on YOUR car... nononononono... we cant be having that. These are the same people that cant be bothered to turn their headlights on, and instead just leave the switch on the "auto" setting, and aimlessly meander around their travels with nothing more than the day time running lights on. There is a very special hot rock in hell reserved for these individuals. Advanced warning of an erratic lane change be damned! THEY are coming thru, and you ...you simple peasant, ...had best watch the hell out.

03-31-2015, 11:32 AM
Not using the turn signal is also one of my peeves. But with that being said Here in the Houston area if you signal a lane change that tells the car behind to speed up and block you. So at times it's just better if you don't signal. Last but not least when out driving the vette the ones that want to race when they have a snow balls chance in hell they will win.

03-31-2015, 01:46 PM
I do not signal, unless there's a cop within visual range, or someone is behind me and I'm going to make a 90 degree turn. :P

Let the flaming begin!

03-31-2015, 08:31 PM
Driving the phone and not the car!!! Houston area has GOT to be the worst I've ever seen. Peripheral drivers, ( looking at the phone while using their peripheral vision to "pace" you in the next lane), are another pet peeve. I'll speed up 20 above the speed limit and lead them on then slow back down (safely but quickly) just to watch them fly right by. Cool to do when there might be a cop around.

03-31-2015, 08:53 PM
my biggest peeve were Germans driving on the Autobahn. When I was there in the early 70's, there were NO speed limits. German drivers alert you with their intent to pass by flashing their headlights. The first time I was "flashed", The driver seemed so far behind me. About 5 seconds later, he passed me and another 5 seconds later he was gone. I can only tell you it was a Porsche 911, it was yellow, and I have never seen a car move faster.

XJ Wheeler
03-31-2015, 09:01 PM
...too many to list...


Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

04-01-2015, 01:53 AM
One thanksgiving there seemed to be about a 1000 cars on the road going in same direction as me. they were driving slow clogging the road and waving at all the pedestrians. Longest drive to Macys ever.

Also I hate it when the butcher places that one perfect strip of bacon in front of that little window of the package and all the rest that you can't see is nothing but grisstle

04-01-2015, 02:31 AM

04-01-2015, 02:44 AM

04-01-2015, 09:27 AM

You hit it with that one Wayne. The two wheelers get hit all the time here running stop signs and the poor little college kids just can't figure out why they get cited for being a bumper ornament

04-01-2015, 09:45 AM
Hahaha, I do hate all of these things you guys mentioned. I suppose it's probably what you see most often in your area that bugs you the most.

I always use my turn signals by habit, and sometimes even use them on the trail without even noticing it :D but it really doesn't bother me when others don't unless they are already driving like a jackass or we're facing each other at an intersection and both making a left and I'm yielding for them because I think they're going straight.

I hate the slow mergers too, but I think I hate the people going 10mph over the speed limit in the right lane that refuse to let others in even more than the slow people.

Don't get me started on the bicyclists that simultaneously think they should be treated as motorists and pedestrians depending on what is easiest for them at the time.

04-01-2015, 10:02 AM
I've got three. Double parkers are obnoxious. People who fail to read the yield sign on the highway on ramp and try to run others into the next lane during rush hour traffic might be the worst. My third one is people who pass me on the highway while I'm going the speed limit and then slow down in front of me.

04-02-2015, 09:22 AM
people who pass me on the highway while I'm going the speed limit and then slow down in front of me.
^this one!
THIS is why we need vehicle mounted paint ball mini-guns installed on the fenders of every car.
(just sayin)

04-04-2015, 06:35 AM
People who have to pull out in ftont of you forcing you to hit the brakes when there is no one behind you for three blocks!!!!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547

04-04-2015, 06:19 PM
Since I drive about 3500 miles a week all over the US, I see a lot of things that pi$$ me off big time. Some have been mentioned already. Some are things that the woefully untrained truck drivers are doing now, and some I've just come to accept as "we'll never fix this" peeves. Top on that list are the people who try to merge into 70mph traffic using their brakes and the 25mph approach.

I think that in 20+ years of professional driving, the one thing I know for sure, and what has become my ultimate pet peeve is that drivers licenses (both Class D AND Class A CDL's) ARE ENTIRELY TOO EASY TO GET!!!
I am also beginning to think we need retesting every 5 or 7 years

04-04-2015, 11:07 PM
All of the previously mentioned peeves and MORE! I can sum it all up in one word.... HOUSTON! To add on to it is when law enforcement officers break every driving law in the book. I see them speeding, running red lights, talking on phones in school zones, not using their blinkers, and not wearing seat belts. How are you supposed to enforce the laws if you don't follow them yourself???? Lead by example, PLEASE!!! Oh, and corner cutters at red lights.... and motorcycles that lane split at red lights... Mother F-er it PISSES ME OFF

My wife calls me an "offensive" driver. I have been known to try my best to prevent as many idiots as possible from doing things they aren't supposed to be doing. I'll try to block them from driving up the shoulder, from speeding, from getting in front of me without a blinker, etc. etc. etc.

I'm getting a ton better, though. The other week here in Houston, there was a lady shot in the head because she honked at a driver that cut her off in traffic.... that's scary.

I used to carry a baseball bat in my back seat and when people would piss me off I'd pull it from the back seat to the front... and they'd back right off :D

One thing I've learned is that when I listen to audio books while driving, my emotions are much calmer and can let things go easier. Probably best now that my daughter was born.

04-05-2015, 01:29 AM
My wife calls me an "offensive" driver.

My father always told me to drive defensively. But Coach always said the best defense is a good offense.

04-05-2015, 03:17 AM


04-05-2015, 07:38 AM


It's got two arses...:(

04-05-2015, 07:45 PM
It's got two arses...:(
Three, if you count the one that paid for it:o:p:p