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View Full Version : 96 xj fuel presser regulator conversion/ bypass?

03-13-2015, 06:46 PM
ok i have a 96 and a shop told me i had low fuel pressure and suggested a new fuel pump. well new pump and everything in and i still have low fuel pressure. well has every one knows in 96 a retard decided it was a good idea to take the regulator off the rail and build it into the fuel pump assembly. well long story short i cant find the assembly anywhere and if i could they cost to much.

is it possible to bypass the regulator in the assembly and add the old style one to the rail? and if it is what would i need and how?

03-13-2015, 07:22 PM
Yes you could do that. However it is not going to be cheap. I did a quick search at Summit Racing and found a number of regulators that would work, starting at around $120. You would need an adjustable regulator and that is the problem. No such thing as a "Jeep" regulator there.

03-13-2015, 09:01 PM
Yes you could do that. However it is not going to be cheap. I did a quick search at Summit Racing and found a number of regulators that would work, starting at around $120. You would need an adjustable regulator and that is the problem. No such thing as a "Jeep" regulator there.

would it be possible to put a factory one back on the rail like on a pre-96?

03-13-2015, 09:03 PM
Yes it would if you provide a return line to the tank. Your best option really

03-13-2015, 09:13 PM
Yes you could do that. However it is not going to be cheap. I did a quick search at Summit Racing and found a number of regulators that would work, starting at around $120. You would need an adjustable regulator and that is the problem. No such thing as a "Jeep" regulator there.

would it be possible to put a factory one back on the rail like on a pre-96?

03-13-2015, 09:58 PM
As long as the injectors line up, I don't see why not

03-13-2015, 10:58 PM
ok how about this i remove the factory fpr from the assembly as shown here in the big brown housing. the black hose next to the pump is the return line


then i take the regulator from a 97 which is usually out side the tank on the assembly and mount it in place of the old regulator in side the tank?


from the diagram it should work the same, but does any one know if the operating presser of the regulators for the 2 years is the same? and does it sound like this would work? it would be cheapest

03-14-2015, 12:40 AM
Almost, but not quite. You will have to go from the fuel pump to the rail directly. Then from the rail back to the fuel pump with another line and make a gas tight way to run the line back into the tank. That is the only way that will work. You might try taking out a regulator from the pick and pull since you are that far and just replace that

03-14-2015, 05:59 AM
i cant even find one in a pick and pull, thats my prob i cant find one anywhere not even from the dealer. but why cant i use the 97 regulator inside the tank like the old one? it would be bigger but it should still run in from the pump the same and out the tank the same way. the only diff would be that the return would flow directly over the pump inlet hole instead of a hose dumping it next to pump

03-14-2015, 11:36 AM
It doesn't have to dump next to the pump. I think the only reason it is that way is to keep sediment from accumulating next to the pickup

03-14-2015, 01:04 PM
ok but doing it like that should work right? it will save me from buying all kinds of parts

03-14-2015, 03:01 PM
It should work as long as the pressure is right