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View Full Version : K&N FIPK system with snorkel

Indiana Jeep
11-01-2009, 09:14 AM
I have installed a K&N FIPK system and have been happy with it but was thinking about adding a snorkel to help keep some road dust out. I have a basic idea of how to set up a boxk and pvc piping I was wondering if there were any factors that would prevent a snorkel working with the cold air intake. I had read on another sight that the two could not work together but havn't been able to find the article again to explain why. I have not found anything on the K&N website about this either. Does anyone have any ideas as to whether this could cause problems with the airflow or any other things that could come up?

11-01-2009, 11:42 AM
There are a couple of articles on here about snorkles. BTW Welcome to xjtalk.

11-06-2009, 09:30 AM
Off the shelf snokels will plug the hole in your stock air box and tap a new hole for the snokel to pull from. With the K&N FIPK system you ditch the air box and so you can't tap into it.
If you're going home brewed you can just remove the conical air filter, run some PVC out of the engine bay and hook the filter on the top outside of your engine bay. You can probably make all the connections easily enough with a flexible coupling. I tried to find a link to a picture. All I can find is links to big couplings that aren't gonna work but for the general idea

I know some guys just run their intake through the firewall under the vents by your windshield.

How deep is the water your thinking about? I've been told (not first person experience) that the K&N conical filteres won't pull in any water (if properly oiled) unless they are totally submerged. So if they are half covered in water they'll pull air in from the top half instead of pulling in water.