View Full Version : ZJ for competition

09-27-2014, 01:01 PM
My friend found bone stock 93 5.2L ZJ at affordable cost and he is interesting to build a ZJ for a competition with mud, rock, river, river bank/rock climbing stages etc.

http://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/v/t1.0-9/8469_165357896971757_2046015912_n.jpg?oh=7a0afe83e 5ad35637adffc289952e0c8&oe=548D4B47&__gda__=1418294265_78137a52c0a42be4e73993759a454cd 6

http://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p480x480/970705_165356886971858_1554932408_n.jpg?oh=4c2b474 172f384cb4c732737a2037eb2&oe=54B71148&__gda__=1418524324_5a4260a6848763076009c52da8b1295 5



He have an access to well equipped shop, almost free toyota/nissan mechanics with no jeep knowledge, etc. Please share your ideas on what needs to do and how much they will cost approximately

JKs are showing their best on latest competitions, he is eager to beat them with ZJ. Reason of choosing ZJ is 5.2L engine and lightweight body, plus look of ZJ model.

I am supporting him with best ZJ videos from youtube :D

currently my list is very rough: front & rear winch bumpers, winches, rock slider, cage, skid plates, lockers, wheels, tires, lift kit

09-27-2014, 01:42 PM
There is probably a lot I could say about this Od. But yes, lifted with long arms for sure. You might have to fabricate the rear long arms. I think you can use some XJ kits for the front. The biggest drawback for the ZJ is fender well size. Might to be able to squeeze 35s in, but 33s will be more practical. I suggest auto lockers for racing. Better turning than fully locked all the time. Good shocks are a must. I like Monroe Gas Magnum shocks. Heavy duty, good ride and progressive valving for the big bumps and guaranteed for life if you have the receipt. I suggest the type of sway bar I have built out of an Isuzu bar at the center of the vehicle. Cheap and full travel. Pics available if you want to build one. Build a cage while you are at it

09-28-2014, 03:54 AM
There is probably a lot I could say about this Od. But yes, lifted with long arms for sure. You might have to fabricate the rear long arms. I think you can use some XJ kits for the front. The biggest drawback for the ZJ is fender well size. Might to be able to squeeze 35s in, but 33s will be more practical. I suggest auto lockers for racing. Better turning than fully locked all the time. Good shocks are a must. I like Monroe Gas Magnum shocks. Heavy duty, good ride and progressive valving for the big bumps and guaranteed for life if you have the receipt. I suggest the type of sway bar I have built out of an Isuzu bar at the center of the vehicle. Cheap and full travel. Pics available if you want to build one. Build a cage while you are at it

Thanks Bro, yes I've read about your sway bar and shocks.

