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View Full Version : Salem Area Benefit Car Show ~ Sept. 27th, 2014

09-03-2014, 10:25 PM
For anyone in the Salem/Willamette Valley area

Jordan Gilmore is a great friend to many of us in the Salem area, and has helped many of us in the past, but now he needs our help! At the beginning of August, he was severely burned and was taken to the Emmanuel burn center in Portland. Over the next couple months he will have multiple surgeries to repair the damage and will need to go through physical therapy. During this time Jordan will not be able to work or take care of his finances, so we decided to organize this show to do what we can to help him.

There will be a $10 entry fee per car, enter anything you want, you can enter a pair of shoes if you want to! All proceeds will go to Jordan!

Live music by DJ Speed!

Trophies will be awarded for winners of each category!

Show categories will be as follows:
•Hot Rod
•Rat Rod
•Street Rod
•Muscle Car
•New Age Muscle Car (1990-Current)
•2-Wheel Drive Truck
•4-Wheel Drive Truck (that means Jeeps guys):xj-black::xj-black::xj-black::xj-black::xj-black::xj-black:

Special Categories Will Include:
•Jordan's Choice
•Best Of Show

There will also be a bake sale, and either a prize give away or silent auction, we haven't decided yet.

Also, we have a lot of donations for the prizes, but we need more! If anyone can help out with gift cards, new or cool parts, sweat shirts, t-shirts or anything else you can think of, we'd greatly appreciate it! Remember this is all to help Jordan, completely non-profit!

For more information and updates please visit:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/q81/s960x960/10644550_887689921243491_6439804382820927215_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1653466_887689974576819_8067900370724226819_n.jpg? oh=8af6bd8c97c7574f42320656876285f8&oe=545B58F6&__gda__=1415394413_c947b8b5589b61c263e44ef6d9fb6ba 1

XJ Wheeler
09-03-2014, 11:35 PM
:thumbsup: Good luck and may the Lord Bless Jordan in his healing journey!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

09-04-2014, 04:07 AM
ya a good man tony ..good luck for ya show and hoping for a speedy recovery for your friend Jordan.....

09-12-2014, 11:42 AM
Thanks guys, he is doing much better. He has about a year of physical therapy ahead of him, but he's out of the hospital and recovering with his family. As for the car show, a local mobile barbecue company has agreed to cook some ribs and some other stuff, and donate all the proceeds to the show! Hope to see some local XJTalk guys there! Yeah that means you Josh LOL