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View Full Version : I usually stay out of politics.....

06-17-2014, 06:06 PM
I am beyond pissed off today.

Politics have never really affected me in a drastic personal way before. It always affects everybody, but now..... now it has F*UCKED with my wife and myself to a point of furious that I haven't had in regards to politics.

I don't think I've made it secret that I strongly disagree with our current so-called "President" before. I even remember complaining on a thread here about how much my health insurance has gone up with this new "Affordable Healthcare" bill. Well guess what.... it's only going to get much, much worse. My company sent out a 16 minute video about upcoming changes for our 2015 benefits.... and every hard-working American is going to pay exponentially more next year for insurance.

Also, I got a bill in the mail today from Quest Diagnostics for my blood test that I have to get every 6 months to continue receiving my blood pressure medication that I've been on since I was 24 years old. This test has always been covered by my insurance in the past. Not anymore. They denied all coverage and I'm out $225. Remember, I'm supposed to get a blood test every 6 months so that I can continue to receive prescriptions to keep my blood pressure in a healthy range.

Second rant: My wife is a school teacher. She didn't start right out of college, but rather had to fall back on teaching (which she absolutely loves doing) after her 4 year college degree couldn't get her a job in her field paying more than $6.25/hr (at the time of course). She works in a district that had a fairly decent 1st year teaching salary. She has now completed her 2 year of teaching and is looking forward to start her 3rd year at the end of the summer.

She told me today that the Klein ISD is going to raise the 1st year starting pay 5 grand more than what she's making as a 3rd year teacher in the same district.... and they're not going to put any experienced teachers on the new pay scale. So that means that my wife's teacher friend with 30 years of experience in the same district will only be making 2 grand more a year than a teacher in their very. first. year. of. teaching. ALL while the Superintendent of these districts rake in well over $300k a year.... and they usually have never taught school themselves.

XJ Wheeler
06-17-2014, 06:39 PM
I tell ya, it seems like this world gets more and more backwards everyday! Several millions go into building extravagant schools but teachers get screwed... Fire fighters have to battle to get basic benefits... soldiers have to beg for help and are still denied... What's it going to take is what i wonder, to set it right. Which i fear is too far gone.

Sorry to hear that bro. Is anyone bringing this issue to anyone that can do something?

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

06-17-2014, 06:49 PM
Thanks bro. Honestly, I have no clue. I have no idea where to even start, because you're right, as of right now, we are too far gone. I fear it's going to implode and turn into some major conflict in our country. I pray that it doesn't happen.

06-17-2014, 07:07 PM
I hear ya Jim. Here is one for ya. Obummer and his cronies destroyed my lucrative business of issuing tax credits for energy efficient construction, a very green industry, just so they could find some money for this "affordable health care" you have. Am I pissed at these phonies, you betcha

06-17-2014, 07:19 PM
See? That's just like wipin' before you poop.... it don't make no sense. Why would they destroy what they want to have to begin with? Sorry to hear that, Steve. It's just like how these blood tests are to check the dosage of medication required to PREVENT myself from having dangerous health problems that they'll have to pay for in the long run. Doesn't make sense.

Last summer in Scotland we were at a pub with a vacationing English couple that we met and we talked healthcare. I hate to say it, but their healthcare system sounds way better. They don't pay an arm and a leg in taxes like we in America already do. All doctor visits are paid for, all tests, procedures, everything. And the issues like having to wait 10 months for the doctors to reset a broken knee just doesn't really happen like I've heard people say.

Now of course, I don't know all the details, but I do know that our system in this country is very, very messed up and even more so (in all aspects of life) since Obama took office.

06-17-2014, 07:23 PM
The socialized medicine is not all it is cracked up to be. They are having a money crises over there with medicine and welfare at the top of the list. Where our system shines is if you need something expensive, then ours is much better. We just need to reform how we do the minor stuff. I go to a discount clinic and pay cash, about 2/3 the going rate for my once a year check up. I get good service and the price is reasonable

06-17-2014, 08:14 PM
So you are pissed? I am pissed too. Many people are pissed but what are we going to do about it? We are mere sheeple after all.

Do you think the disarming of our military personnel while on base and in country is due to some liberal gun control agenda? Its not! Our federal government fears revolution should enough people get pissed over all this BS. In a republic, overthrows almost always come from the military side.

Even as they de-fang our military soldiers, they are pumping up the weapons, equipment and military style tactics of the police and sheriffs departments all over this land. They don't fear those agencies and would seek to use them to suppress us if the need were to arise...

OK, I'm now going be quiet and get back to counting black helicopters and folding tin foil into hats.

06-17-2014, 09:13 PM
I just pray that the world my kids grow up in is far better than the current outlook.... It's downright scary

06-17-2014, 10:15 PM
The way the world is going is the main driving reason for me not wanting to have kids. The world is becoming a worse place at an exponentially accelerating rate.

Is it sad that I pray I die before it gets really really bad? I'm somewhat ashamed I was so gung-ho about wanting to fight for the country I loved growing up in. Anymore it takes considerable effort for me to rally the burnt out ember of patriotic fervor that once burned in me :(

06-18-2014, 12:24 AM
The way the world is going is the main driving reason for me not wanting to have kids. The world is becoming a worse place at an exponentially accelerating rate.

Is it sad that I pray I die before it gets really really bad? I'm somewhat ashamed I was so gung-ho about wanting to fight for the country I loved growing up in. Anymore it takes considerable effort for me to rally the burnt out ember of patriotic fervor that once burned in me :(

It's not the country that is the problem It's a wonderful country. It's the government that has burned you out and deserves our scorn!

06-18-2014, 07:03 AM
IMO everyone needs to be involved in politics and try to understand what is really happening to OUR country. And much of this falls on both parties. But most people are rather apathetic to the situation, until they are somehow personally effected. And then, and I include myself, we have an opinion that may not be completely objective, or well informed. Although, I find it hard to be objective when idiots are making decisions about OUR country that change it from the land of opportunity to the land of hand outs and ignoring law, for the sake of future votes.
We need new blood in Washington with term and age limits. Too many of these idiots have been in office so long that it's all about them, and not about the people they work for. And we do need some compromise, but not at the expense of changing laws just because our "leaders" have decided they do not want to enforce them.

06-18-2014, 08:13 AM
Damn, I'm sorry this BS is happening to you Jim. Preventative care was supposed to be get cheaper not more expensive! If you haven't already, try to get your doctor to call the insurance company and ask them why it isn't covered. I know with my Grandmother we had to have the hospital call every other week to demand that they cover something that they previously denied. A lot of times they changed their tune after getting their ass handed to them by an MD.

06-18-2014, 10:35 AM
If it makes you feel any better. I can't afford healthcare. I pay as I go. While my g/f has great insurance & we have a kid together. I can't get on it b/c we aren't married or gay.

06-18-2014, 02:23 PM
If it makes you feel any better. I can't afford healthcare. I pay as I go. While my g/f has great insurance & we have a kid together. I can't get on it b/c we aren't married or gay.

Well she's not gay... :p
FWIW Aflac is super cheap and has never not worked for me yet.

06-18-2014, 02:48 PM
If it makes you feel any better. I can't afford healthcare. I pay as I go. While my g/f has great insurance & we have a kid together. I can't get on it b/c we aren't married or gay.

Have you looked into getting on her insurance as a domestic partner? At least here in Florida you don't actually even have to register at the courthouse as a domestic partner, you just have to sign a statement to the insurance company that you've lived together for a certain period of time, share some expenses, etc and you can get on their insurance. My gf has been on my insurance in this way for the last two years. Only bad thing about this is you now have to pay taxes on the benefits (unlike married couples), which is why she is on her own insurance starting July 1.