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View Full Version : What's this? Under the hood of my 1999 XJ - with a photo!

Red Octopus
06-17-2014, 01:28 PM
It's on the passenger side,by the fender the metal is rusty and I don't think it should have holes in it. Should it? The holes look like cracks running front to back under the smaller cable (rusted area, left side). HELP!

06-17-2014, 01:49 PM
I could be mistaken,
But that is either the vacuum control for
the heater core blend,
or the vent selector,
or maybe cruise control?

I will have to go look at my own 99 XJ and see for sure, in any case, if any one of those systems is showing any signs of not working properly, then you know you have an issue.
Otherwise.... "if it aint broke - dont fix it!"

06-17-2014, 01:53 PM
I could be mistaken,
But that is either the vacuum control for
the heater core blend,
or the vent selector,
or maybe cruise control?

It's the cruise control module.

Otherwise.... "if it aint broke - dont fix it!"

Some might say differently..."if it ain't broke, fix it till it is." ;)

06-17-2014, 02:22 PM
Cool, this actually answers a question I had the other day. I couldn't figure out what that plug with the little red tab on it went to. I figured it had something to do with an option I don't have but now I know it's cruise control. Thanks!

Red Octopus
06-17-2014, 03:32 PM
It's the cruise control module.
My Cruise seems to be working OK (it was several weeks ago) - Is there vacuum or pressure in this?
Should I worry about the 'cracks' in the metal can?
or Fill the cracks, clean up the 'can' and paint it?
or Go have a beer?

06-17-2014, 04:09 PM
It uses vacuum. Go have a beer if it is working

06-18-2014, 12:52 AM
My Cruise seems to be working OK (it was several weeks ago) - Is there vacuum or pressure in this?
Should I worry about the 'cracks' in the metal can?
or Fill the cracks, clean up the 'can' and paint it?
or Go have a beer?

The cruise control is vacuum operated (see line on the left).
Worst case scenario the cracks could worsen and you end up with a non-functioning cruise control plus a vacuum leak.
Clean up the can, fill the cracks with steel epoxy (or JB Weld), and paint it to improve its appearance under the hood. Then have as many beers as you like. ;)
Alternatively if you never use the cruise control, just remove the module altogether and plug the vacuum line.

Red Octopus
06-18-2014, 08:55 AM
Clean up the can, fill the cracks with steel epoxy (or JB Weld), and paint it to improve its appearance under the hood. Then have as many beers as you like. ;)
Alternatively if you never use the cruise control, just remove the module altogether and plug the vacuum line.[/quote]

Ah-hhh,now I can rest easy, Thanks.
I've got enough quirky things on/in my XJ to deal with, I don't need another so I can see a wire brush & spray can of paint in my future.
I do like my 'CruiseCon' for my occasional inter-state trips; gives me a chance to nap.

Red Octopus
07-14-2014, 08:50 AM
Yup, it is the CruseCon, BUT why the hole and slot in it? I have found they're supposed to be there. I have found photos of the part and they all show the hole/slot. What they're for I still have no clue. So one less thing to worry about.

07-14-2014, 10:31 AM
Yup, it is the CruseCon, BUT why the hole and slot in it? I have found they're supposed to be there. I have found photos of the part and they all show the hole/slot. What they're for I still have no clue. So one less thing to worry about.

I'm just guessing, but if there is a diaphragm in there I would suspect it's to allow air pressure to equalize. Perhaps the hole and the slot are above and below the diaphragm.