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04-12-2014, 11:54 AM
This thread will be focused on laws and government force on farmers.
I titled this thread from one of my favorite farmers, Joel Salatin, and a book he wrote.
I'm not entirely sure about my opinions on this particular case. But most likely. I'd side with the farmer.
1) http://reason.com/blog/2014/04/11/nevada-county-commissioner-implies-a-dea#comment

I'll add to this b/c I'm always finding stuff on farmers. Raw milk farmers being treated like fricking thugs by the FBI and DNR and local LEO's. ETC etc etc....

04-12-2014, 12:38 PM
This is another badass farmer. I've seen this guy on 3 occasions through farming conferences. He's an awesome guy. A true American. His name is Mark Baker. He's a vet and a kickass farmer. If you're in the Michigan area. Get your hands on his pork. It's so damn good!
For almost 3 years. He was being screwed with by the DNR.
PLAN B - Hogwash: An American Pig Tale - YouTube


04-12-2014, 03:36 PM
We need to severely reduce the powers of the federal government.

04-12-2014, 06:28 PM
Here is one that might interest you then


04-12-2014, 08:28 PM
Steve! I love how you have a pulse.
It's kinda like how the stupid Sierra club started with good intentions. But now it's a cash cow and they'd love anything but to keep us out of the rubicon.
Great article!
And yes. We need far less government. But think about all the government employees. From first responders (LEO's & firefighters) to universities, town/city workers, hospitals the ****in list goes on. That's why I insist on working in the private sector. Sure wish I had government employee wages though :)

04-12-2014, 09:32 PM
Yup, the government has gotten out of hand. There are some good things that the gov can and should do. Run schools, fire protection etc. But it has expanded so much now and gotten tyrannical in the last few years

04-13-2014, 12:59 AM
I would argue education. If you haven't sat through a course at a local UC or even JC. It's bloody mad. I personally think a college education at this point is highly over valued. But you'd kick babies once you've interacted with the doh doh's coming outa these establishments.
I get interns quarterly. I interview them along with the Md that writes my pay check. Outa 50 applicants. I choose 2. That's how bad it is. Last time we choose 1. And this person was still a dipshit. I went to the same bloody UC! And I'm a dipshit myself.
Again, I'm reading Joel Salatin's latest book. He has a few opinions about this cycle in this book, like he has others. It's all just funny/sad.

04-13-2014, 05:12 PM
Here is another one for you to oo and ah over.


04-13-2014, 06:38 PM
My favourite driving haunts have been locked down.

Seems I need to be a CoalSeamGas company employee .... to access the few remaining State Forests in my area .. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Gubberment beaurocrats .. They're nothing but big frogs in little puddles .. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

04-13-2014, 06:39 PM
Get yourself a hardhat Carves

04-13-2014, 06:57 PM
Here is an update on he Bundy Ranch


04-14-2014, 12:54 AM
Nice read! Glad some real Americans showed up. For a minute there I thought we were turning into a bunch of candy asses. I love ignorant banter that takes place on Yahoo news. It's scary really. Bc you can hide behind a computer with a fake name. People pull out all their ignorance, misinformation, & hatred towards each other.

04-14-2014, 09:48 AM
Yeah, Yahoo is kind of liberal, but they do some good reporting now and then

04-14-2014, 04:34 PM
Agreed on that Steve. And nor can you as an individual rely on a single source of info. I like that post alot.

04-14-2014, 08:23 PM
I really wish colleges had higher standards on not only who they let in their doors to learn, but who they let in their doors to teach. I actually had one of my teachers fired and was able to take over teaching the class for Flash and Dreamweaver back in the day. Our teacher had no idea what she was doing. I don't fully blame her. I more blame the administration who hired her not having vetting her qualifications. I've had many teachers that really had zero idea what they were talking about.

The show Community really isn't far off from the truth on some of the crap that goes on at community colleges. The sad part is that I was going to an Ohio State University branch. One of the most well know universities (most likely due to the extremely mediocre sports teams). You would expect more from a big school. There was a time when a college diploma was a point of pride. Anymore unless you go to an actual prestigious college a diploma is a joke.

As a country we used to be up there at the top on school rankings. We are what, 33rd in the world now? Liberals think that, "no child shall be left behind." So they dumb things down to not hurt kids feelings for being stupid. They put kids in pre-school now to start teaching them young and the kids still turn out dumbasses. Kids are allowed to take their cellphones with them to classes now, they get 4 years to pass state standardized tests, and if they want to be lazy and do no work, the teachers will slide the, through with D- to get them through the system.

When I was in school if you took your cellphone out of your locker after the first bell, or before the last of the day it was destroyed. Not taken, destroyed. You had one chance to pass the standardized testing. If you were lazy the teacher would make sure you got held back a year to be sure you learned everything they had to teach you. We earned our diplomas, we didn't just have them handed to us with an, "everyone deserves a trophy no matter how much you suck" sticker.

The pussification of the grand 'old US of A is in full swing. Our citizen have become fat, lazy, complacent fools who are scared of the government. Our government has become lean, mean, and quick to take advantage of the citizens who have fully given up the power they have over the government. The government is suppose to work for its citizens. They managed to flip it on us and the people who rather just keep giving up freedoms rather than making the change we need. We vote congressmen and representatives who use our tax money to constantly take trips and not even be present on votes. The only vote they all make it a point to is the one where they vote themselves a raise. Red and blue are on the same page with voting that day.

I hate to say it, but for me it is damn hard to be a patriot and proud of our country today. Just looking at the average kid today drains every ounce of hope I have for our country's future from me. Can you imagine future laws? "U hav 2 b insId ur hous by 9. Dnt b l8 Lol!!!:)"


04-15-2014, 05:45 PM
I feel pretty bad for my kid. She going to inherit all this debt and dummied down stuff. Another reason why I don't own a TV. The quality of entertainment is just shit, period. Absolutely no content or valuable info. Any time I see Mike Rowe talking. I stop and listen. That guy is on point.
Our government, both Republicans and Democrats. Don't want entrepreneurs. They are not happy with the people actually having freedoms. And I'm not just talking guns. But even stupid building codes are stupid. Just another way to employ people for no good reason and to make government the hand that feeds.
I wish American's had more of a spine. Stop paying taxes. Create more work and tell the government to funk off. I stopped filing taxes years ago. And once I'm employed again. I will pay as few taxes as I can.
I don't mind University education. But I'm so done with hearing how an education will save your life and make you more money, it'll take you out of poverty. Poor people are miserable and horrible people. So lets raise minimum wage, when we don't even need a minimum wage. So now the pimple headed kid at McDonalds or Hector. Will be making damn near $20 an hour for an occupation that really doesn't require any skill. Stupidest shit ever. Crappy jobs are forever jobs.
Oh and by the way. No you can't be a mentor to a kid or young adult. Interships, naw! Insurance premiums are too high. You can sue someone for your own damn stupidity and ignorance. That and mentorship isn't monitored by government to make sure it's safe and valid. You're just too damn stupid to think on your own.
I'd also love to see the day when not a single damn person shows up to the voting ballets.
Joel Salatin writes about alotta stuff like this. Another good book is, Shop Class for the Soul Craft. The author is a shitty writer. I'm guessing b/c he's a PhD. But his message is on point.
And I know I'm not the sharpest damn tool in the shed. Just look at my sentence structure and horrible grammar. But wood shop & auto shop are being replaced with stupid computer classes. Have you seen a 20 something year old swing a hammer? It's freakin sickening. Seriously basic shit and people are clueless of it.
I was asked the other day. "My parents just got chickens. What do they eat and drink?" My reply was, "Are you phuking serious?"

04-15-2014, 05:55 PM
I heard poultry likes a nice chicken alfredo with a glass of Viognier.

04-15-2014, 06:48 PM
So the hot topic of firearms has passed. Now our lovely government is making poor people and minimum wage workers victims. I hate this talk about being poor. The only reason anyone is poor in a 1st world country is most likely b/c of these things. 1)Taxation. 2) Married the wrong woman/man 3) You lived way beyond your means 4) You suck as a frickin human and therefore, no one wants to hire you. 5) You're lazy.
We have so much wealth here. And wealth creates a hole lotta waste. Poor is my girlfriends fathers youth. He didn't get his first pair of shoes until he was 16 years old. My mom made my clothes until I was 11. Had I not moved out of her house. She would have kept making my clothes. I didn't have a brand new pair of shoes until I was 16. There is nothing wrong with being poor. It's just not okay to be an asshole. And if you happen to be both poor and an asshole. Well then.
It's like these damn San Francisco people complaining about the Google bus. If it's not the Google bus. Then it's all the cars. Then it's about how they are being evicted from their apartments. The SOB's are against a free market. Which also means they are probably anti free enterprise. Which means they need a damn nanny state who deals illegal guns, while money laundering with Chinese mobsters. The techies are ruining our city they cry. You don't own that apartment. You rent it! "Rich people suck" they cry. But who gave you a job, jackhole?! Sure the heck wasn't yourself. Oh the techies. So I offer you to stop using Google as your favorite search engine, give away your MacBook Pro, IPod, IPad, & Iphone. Delete your facebook account. Stop using Pintrist. Stop using apps on your IPhone. B/c those apps are done here as well. Oh and that cool hip coffee shop uses all the things you despise.
I dislike alotta shit. I'm not going to protest it. I'm just not going to spend my money at places, such as Wal-Mart b/c I highly disagree with their business ethics and they are screwing the tax payer and local government caters to them.
Now do you see why I'm a not so pleasant angry prick? I'm surrounded by fricking stupid people!

04-15-2014, 06:51 PM
So the hot topic of firearms has passed. Now our lovely government is making poor people and minimum wage workers victims. I hate this talk about being poor. The only reason anyone is poor in a 1st world country is most likely b/c of these things. 1)Taxation. 2) Married the wrong woman/man 3) You lived way beyond your means 4) You suck as a frickin human and therefore, no one wants to hire you. 5) You're lazy.
We have so much wealth here. And wealth creates a hole lotta waste. Poor is my girlfriends fathers youth. He didn't get his first pair of shoes until he was 16 years old. My mom made my clothes until I was 11. Had I not moved out of her house. She would have kept making my clothes. I didn't have a brand new pair of shoes until I was 16. There is nothing wrong with being poor. It's just not okay to be an asshole. And if you happen to be both poor and an asshole. Well then.
It's like these damn San Francisco people complaining about the Google bus. If it's not the Google bus. Then it's all the cars. Then it's about how they are being evicted from their apartments. The SOB's are against a free market. Which also means they are probably anti free enterprise. Which means they need a damn nanny state who deals illegal guns, while money laundering with Chinese mobsters. The techies are ruining our city they cry. You don't own that apartment. You rent it! "Rich people suck" they cry. But who gave you a job, jackhole?! Sure the heck wasn't yourself. Oh the techies. So I offer you to stop using Google as your favorite search engine, give away your MacBook Pro, IPod, IPad, & Iphone. Delete your facebook account. Stop using Pintrist. Stop using apps on your IPhone. B/c those apps are done here as well. Oh and that cool hip coffee shop uses all the things you despise.
I dislike alotta shit. I'm not going to protest it. I'm just not going to spend my money at places, such as Wal-Mart b/c I highly disagree with their business ethics and they are screwing the tax payer and local government caters to them.
Now do you see why I'm a not so pleasant angry prick? I'm surrounded by liberals!


04-15-2014, 07:47 PM
It's been one of those days. I'll shut up now. I hijacked my own thread. :)

04-25-2014, 04:22 PM
It's happening to you too Texas! Except your senator isn't a candy ass


04-25-2014, 04:27 PM
And this is just down right phoking scary y'all


04-26-2014, 01:10 AM
I was a terrorist today,

Drove up a public access road into a public access area ....

Just to read the, new, keep out sign, that the mining companies bribed the gubberment to erect.

Typical beaurocrats ... didnt have the brains to put it near the highway where it could be easily read ..:rolleyes:

11-06-2014, 10:27 AM
This is brilliant. rt.com/news/202783-france-farmer-protest-manure/[/IMG]

11-06-2014, 10:36 AM
Link no workie Deejay

11-06-2014, 10:40 AM
linky no worky

11-06-2014, 11:47 AM

11-06-2014, 11:59 AM
I love it. When the protest is over, I get to load it all up in the name of public service and spread it on my land? :D

11-18-2014, 02:16 AM
Sorry, not sure why the link didn't work. But yeah. Essentially the French farmers got pissed enough. And to think I thought EU were a bunch of sissies. Shame on me. Good stuff though, no? It was non violent and to the point. I support farmers like this.
My buddy always says, "money is like manure. spread it all around."

11-18-2014, 02:18 AM
If you follow any Youtube Channels. This is one to be followed. I love Mark & his family. He's gone through some junk with local government. He's a vet and a midwestern guy.

11-18-2014, 10:09 PM
Yup, the government has gotten out of hand. There are some good things that the gov can and should do. Run schools, fire protection etc. But it has expanded so much now and gotten tyrannical in the last few years

Run Schools?
So they can train your kids to do what the Government wants & think you are ignorant of the "Current World"?

Read up on Common Core. They put Islam studies in the curriculum (Because Islam is a race) But Christian is not ok because its religion?

Don't believe me?

Be very careful what you wish for... You might get it!

11-18-2014, 10:14 PM
As a former teacher, I don't agree with common core. I did say they have gotten out of hand. But, taxes do pay for schools, unless you want to go private which is far better, but far more expensive. Actually, home schooling is preferred above all others. But that is something that only a few can pull off nowadays

11-18-2014, 10:17 PM
If you follow any Youtube Channels. This is one to be followed. I love Mark & his family. He's gone through some junk with local government. He's a vet and a midwestern guy.

I have the perfect cure for your woes, 07Negative...
Move to Texas!

Or motivate your fellow Californians to VOTE OUT THE TRASH!

11-19-2014, 08:21 AM
Run Schools?
So they can train your kids to do what the Government wants & think you are ignorant of the "Current World"?

Read up on Common Core. They put Islam studies in the curriculum (Because Islam is a race) But Christian is not ok because its religion?

Don't believe me?

Be very careful what you wish for... You might get it!

Honestly, I thought common core math was ridiculous when I first looked at it too. But then my sister explained it to me and it really does make sense. Here is an article that lays out pretty clearly why it is taught this way.


I think the main problem is they haven't really come up with a solid plan to explain this to parents, so when their kids come to them for homework help they get frustrated and tell the kid to just do it the way they know how and the kid ends up getting a bad grade.

11-19-2014, 08:40 AM
How can a simple concept, made difficult, not confuse kids ? This is a perfect example of why our education systems are failing and our kids don't learn the basics. Or for that matter, how can we expect kids in Grade school to use advanced Logic, to explain simple concepts? Yes, some things we just take at face value and hopefully, memorize. When you go back at a later time you can analyze the crap out of it, and find that yes, it was so. Making it more complex to understand, won't help. Rote memorization was something that was part of going to school. Although in the last 25 years, that seems to be MIA. And I dare say, we had a better grasp of math, and perhaps other subjects, because of it.

On a separate note, Islam is a religion and is comprised of many (ethnic groups) races (Arabs, Persians, Caucasians, Africans, Asians, etc.)

And Atheism is also a religion, as it is the belief that there is no God, which is the definition makes it a Religion.

Sorry, end of soliloquy.

11-19-2014, 09:03 AM
I think it only seems more difficult because you weren't taught this way. Most people already know most common core math principles they just don't realize it. Say you were working a cash register and something was $76.50 and the customer handed you $100, would you do this calculation in your head?:
I would have to take out a piece of paper because that sort of thing is hard to do in your head with all the crossing out and carrying of numbers. When I have to do that sort of thing I think, "OK, +$3.50 brings me up to $80 and $20 more brings me to $100 so the change would be $3.50+$20=$23.50."

11-19-2014, 09:43 AM
Great thread. I am from IL and grew up farming, still help farm but my occupation is building hog & cattle confinement and growing facilities. You wanna talk about red tape!? Boys, the crap we deal with on a daily basis from the gov't is stupid. Then there's the animal rights people...oy vey. And you want to find guys that will work hard? Ha, not Americans. Lazy, pussified, pieces of crap they are. Makes me ashamed to think of where this once great nation has fallen too. When my grandfathers family immigrated here from Croatia, they were POOR. But my grandfather worked hard and went to Eastern IL U. Thats right, the son of non English speaking immigrants went to college when it meant something, worked hard to make a way for his children, who busted ass to make a way for me to work my guts out for my children! My mom made my clothes until I was in jr. high so that we could live within our means. I don't have cable or satellite or a new vehicle so my kids can live comfortably in our means of income. We homeschool because, lets face it, the gov't could screw up a wet dream and our educational system reflects that. Believe me, my kids are better behaved than most adults and that comes from the massive amounts of time we spend with them teaching them. I have my B.S. in Criminal Justice but in no way do I believe that college means much any more. Its just an excuse for more immature jackasses to go out and get wasted, living in sin on their parents dime. If my children want to go to college, fine but it will actually be for a purpose or not at all. Oh, and as most of you know, I'm partially disabled from a bad accident 9 years ago. My left arm gone, bad hip, left leg 1.25" short with a 13" titanium tube in it. I work my butt off in the Ag industry for 70+ hours a week while we are taxed out of our minds to support a bunch of lowlife, lazy pieces of dirt and meanwhile people like me do without. Oh, and lets talk about how I liked my health coverage and how it suited my family but now I can't keep it. I'm seriously fed up and will probably run in my local elections next time around. IMHO, its time to lock an load boys, take this great nation back.

11-19-2014, 02:00 PM
No, most people of my generations aren't quite that limited in their math skills. It used to be pretty normal for people to do simple math in their head. Doing logic problems, when unnecessary, is definitely more taxing. It makes no sense, unless you don't know your math and complicating the subject seems easier to you.
I think we can take making change at a cash register as a prime indication. My folks used to own a store. We all had to do that basic math at every sale, while using the cash register, when we were in Grade School. Problem today, other than not having the basic math skills, is that people rely so much on the "tools" that without the register telling them what the change is, they would be lost.
OneArm, I think I can relate. My parents came over here when I was 6, long road starting with Munich in '38. Had 3 suitcases for the 4 of us. Back then, the only excuse for not making a decent living was if you had some sort of issue, or just didn't try hard enough.
Now Government is stepping in and making everything difficult. Be it Common Core or regulations for the sake of regulating, but benefiting no one but a growing Government.

11-19-2014, 02:52 PM
The methods may be excessive but just for comparison this is in Japan. And yes, this is a "tool" but many of these kids will go on to learn how to do mental math using a "mental" tool.
Amazing Abacus Math Video - YouTube

Maybe I'm Jaded because my son was in Grade School when they came out with a new technique call "Whole Language", that proved to be a real fiasco and made English a major difficulty for many of the kids exposed to it.

Instead of looking for the LCD of education, our educators need to learn what the best in class techniques that are used by the rest of the world. And yes, I do blame the decline of education, in the US, on the Teachers Unions. They have made teaching about the teachers, instead of about the kids and the future.

11-19-2014, 06:36 PM
Honestly, I thought common core math was ridiculous when I first looked at it too. But then my sister explained it to me and it really does make sense. Here is an article that lays out pretty clearly why it is taught this way.


I think the main problem is they haven't really come up with a solid plan to explain this to parents, so when their kids come to them for homework help they get frustrated and tell the kid to just do it the way they know how and the kid ends up getting a bad grade.

My wife was a teacher in California when they started to work out the kinks,
Before she died, she told me some of the "Conversations" she had been in...
They are teaching children to be good low end workers, ever notice where politicians send their kids?

You Don't Want Common Core,

11-19-2014, 06:56 PM
i agree with no common core.both my daughters had do use the lattice method when learning multiplication and division.They both had problems with it.Now get this...i showed them both how to do long divison and multiplication,the supposedly harder way to do things and they both got it no problem.The oldest went to school and was doing her math problems the way i showed her and the teacher told her she was wrong.not the answer mid you the method.So i emailed the teacher and asked her why my daughter was wrong..because she used her mind?I was told that that is not the way it is taught now,and i thanked her for trying to dumb down my children.Different people learn things differnt ways some people need more help learning a concept or idea than others..i get that some times i need alittle extra time to wrap my head around an idea.But the brain is the best computer in the world..we need to teach people how to use it. And by the way my younger daughter was diagnosed with learning difficultys when she was four and was in LIU which in PA is a program to help mentally challenged or children with disabilitys.MY wife and i never let her use this as an excuse and always challenged her.Was it frustrating for all of us at times..yes,but now she is in regular classes taking AP classes and has a 4.29 GPA.

11-20-2014, 05:22 AM
Removed .. somehow double posted this, while editing.

11-20-2014, 05:23 AM
Autotech98. Exactly ! Couldn't agree more. I would just add, not a pun, that if the school is that set on methods, find another school. Not always possible, I know.

My son was no scholar. Much to my wife's chagrin. Not that he wasn't smart, he just didn't care for school, any school. When they were learning about lines, you know : y=mx+b (slope & intercept and all that good stuff) he was really struggling. I sat him down, and he didn't want to cooperate. I guess I must have really tortured him (not literally, of course), he finally gave in and in 1/2 hr. I had him figuring out the formulas just by drawing the line on graph paper.

100% that schools try to hard to teach to the Lowest Common Denominator. So they totally dumb thing down for everyone. This would have bored the crap out of me in Grade and High school where math was my thing.

These days my son drives a truck. He used to say he hated math. Always reminded him that you need math in everything you do in life.

11-20-2014, 06:52 AM
Amen..mine were the same way about stuff. 1 hour fight to get them to sit down and do 20 min of homework.They finally saw that if they sat down and got it overwith...correctly and not rushing that they had more time to do the other stuff they wanted to do

11-24-2014, 02:15 PM
I have the perfect cure for your woes, 07Negative...
Move to Texas!

Or motivate your fellow Californians to VOTE OUT THE TRASH!

No offense, but no thanks on Texas. It's got too many Californians there. Much of whom have brought their politics with. It's also too much of a desert as well. Air quality is really poor in much of the state. And I'm not sure if my non god fearing would go over well. Not sure how pushy it is there. I lived in Corpus for a short time years ago. It was cool and I enjoy visiting the state. Love the lax gun laws. But the place is just not for me. The midwest is my home and calling. I just want to farm again honestly.

In regards to common core. It was mainly funded by the Gates foundation. And the knuckle heads that came up with this idear, where non educators. And they even pushed out educators they had recruited, bc they called bs.

I know this is a long video for many. But watch it and learn.