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View Full Version : It's a Jeep Jeep! not a Chrysler jeep!

Infidel Edition
02-20-2014, 09:13 PM
so I'm trying to get new lock cylinders for my doors!
every parts store out there has the same key for my 1989 as '91+ jeeps.
they're not compatible!
unless I swap all the hardware inside the door?

eBay had 1 with "Jeep" on the chrome key not a Chrysler symbol on a black plastic handle key...

02-20-2014, 09:21 PM
You could pull the cylinders and just put new tumblers in. Should be like new then

02-20-2014, 09:31 PM
yes you can pull them and rekey and they will be better than the ones you buy from the part store. I get people bring in the ones from part store and they want them ether keyed to something other or want more keys and reg. jeep chry. dodge key won't fit into the locks.

Infidel Edition
02-20-2014, 11:24 PM
so wait one...
the lock cylinders are modular?
and I can pull the inner pieces and swap 'em?

what kind of magic is this...
so now I just need a new set to gut

02-21-2014, 09:49 AM
You can get the tumblers from a lock smith. And yes they are modular. Panel off with window up and they will come right out

Infidel Edition
02-21-2014, 10:34 AM
unfortunately ~ I ordered the correct cylinders online from my phone in the O'Reilly parking lot...
lesson learned = post before purchase

** though the driver's side lock was beyond salvage when I bought it. spring sticking out...
only decided to get around to changing it as I was dealing with paint and swapping out the handles for black...