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View Full Version : Keep an eye out... my car was stolen

12-29-2013, 06:17 PM
From in front of my house, sometime between the hours of 2am and 8am.
1996 Green Honda Accord 4dr.
Light tint on the windows. Peeling clear coat on the hood.

Pass it around, tell a friend, post it up on your Faceebok....
Hopefully we can get the word out enough that it will turn up.
If you see it, let me know, and call Gresham Police.



12-29-2013, 08:29 PM
F'in bastards I hate thieves. Sorry bro, wish I could help you out.

12-29-2013, 08:40 PM
Holy shit... sorry bro. Something must be in the water, that's the second forum member in as many days

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

12-29-2013, 09:06 PM
Wow, sorry to hear about another stolen vehicle... Hope this one shows back up just like the XJ!!

12-29-2013, 09:52 PM
I hope this ends the rash of thefts. Hope you find it in good shape

XJ Wheeler
12-29-2013, 11:34 PM
Oh man, sorry to hear josh. Hope ya find it soon... and it good condition.

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

12-30-2013, 07:54 AM
Sorry to hear that your car got stolen Josh,...hopefully youll find it soon and find those rat bastards who stole it

stinkin thieves

12-30-2013, 08:33 AM
Interviewing neighbors I found one who's tank has been siphoned a few times before, and one who's Honda's been stolen 4 times before. Not from in front of THAT house, but still.... one thing that gives me a little hope is that he's gotten it back each and every time. The officer I spoke with to file the report however, did not give me much hope though"
"with this year and model, you're not likely to see it again"

But seriously, thank YOU GUYS for the well wishes.
It means a lot.

12-30-2013, 09:25 AM
Interviewing neighbors I found one who's tank has been siphoned a few times before, and one who's Honda's been stolen 4 times before. Not from in front of THAT house, but still.... one thing that gives me a little hope is that he's gotten it back each and every time. The officer I spoke with to file the report however, did not give me much hope though"
"with this year and model, you're not likely to see it again"

But seriously, thank YOU GUYS for the well wishes.
It means a lot.

Well I guess we know why your Jeep alarm was chirping now.

12-30-2013, 12:42 PM
Figured out that the kid across the way that had HIS Honda stolen so many times, they used some sort of a "mater key"..... I guess they're easy to come by and use
(for thieves)
Explains why there was no broken glass.....

12-30-2013, 02:56 PM
Good News Peeps!!!! (well maybe)
I just got a call from the Sheriff's office.... the car was recovered after a high speed pursuit late last night.
The officer I spoke with couldn't tell me much because there's an ongoing investigation.
But from what I WAS told.... the thief bailed out of the car DURING the pursuit... (while in motion)
There was a foot chase, K9's were called in and it was the dogs that eventually got him.
The car was recovered, and taken to an impound lot.
Forensics are heading out there today, and will "connect all the dots"...
I cant go anywhere near the car until that's wrapped up.

SO .... good news is the car is at least in one piece more or less....
The bad news is ... I dont know if anything was stripped, or in what condition the car is actually in.

12-30-2013, 03:02 PM
Good News Peeps!!!! (well maybe)
I just got a call from the Sheriff's office.... the car was recovered after a high speed pursuit late last night.
The officer I spoke with couldn't tell me much because there's an ongoing investigation.
But from what I WAS told.... the thief bailed out of the car DURING the pursuit... (while in motion)
There was a foot chase, K9's were called in and it was the dogs that eventually got him.
The car was recovered, and taken to an impound lot.
Forensics are heading out there today, and will "connect all the dots"...
I cant go anywhere near the car until that's wrapped up.

SO .... good news is the car is at least in one piece more or less....
The bad news is ... I dont know if anything was stripped, or in what condition the car is actually in.

You'll have to get rid of that car. It's now had a more interesting life that you! Well I hope that's the case. ;)

12-30-2013, 04:06 PM
You'll have to get rid of that car. It's now had a more interesting life that you! Well I hope that's the case. ;)

Maybe you could interview the car for the podcast :smiley-taunt002:

Glad they found it. Hope it is in one piece

12-30-2013, 04:13 PM
Glad its not a total loss, hope its in okay shape too

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk

12-30-2013, 05:29 PM
Josh I hate to tell ya this Honda's are super easy to steel. You will see they wacked the ing tumbler and it will be bent 6in down (the bypass for the sterring wheel lock) then started it with a screw driver.The good news it's easy to fix but sucks you have to do it.

wish ya the best

12-30-2013, 05:44 PM
Glad they got them, wish the asshole that stole mine would get caught.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

XJ Wheeler
12-30-2013, 05:50 PM
Wow, quite a story. Hope its in good shape, might be time for some theft deterrents.

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

01-01-2014, 09:01 PM
Thanks guys.
Here's the latest:

The car is being released to me tomorrow (Thursday)
Every one I've spoken to so far, hasn't actually seen the car personally,
So nobody can tell me what kind of condition it's in! GRRR!
I'll call the tow yard first thing tomorrow, and find out if I need to rent a dolly, or if I'll be able to drive it home.

01-01-2014, 09:15 PM
Thanks guys.
Here's the latest:

The car is being released to me tomorrow (Thursday)
Every one I've spoken to so far, hasn't actually seen the car personally,
So nobody can tell me what kind of condition it's in! GRRR!
I'll call the tow yard first thing tomorrow, and find out if I need to rent a dolly, or if I'll be able to drive it home.

What ever you do... DON'T DRIVE IT FAST or SUSPECISIOULY! :smiley-laughing021:

01-01-2014, 09:26 PM
Hey Yosh, you had an alarm on this one, right? What features did you have? Kill switch or just plain alarm?

01-01-2014, 10:07 PM
Hey Yosh, you had an alarm on this one, right? What features did you have? Kill switch or just plain alarm?

I think the engine is small enough, I'd just bring it inside at night.

01-02-2014, 10:08 PM
Glad you got it back, and hope the damage isn't too bad... Honda's are easily stolen, especially fi they are a tad bit older and the locks/ignition are a bit worn and the thief has a nicely worn out Honda key... or like said if they have a master key, which are easily found online... One reason why I won't touch any Honda's anymore... at least not for a while, cause I don't want my ride stolen especially if I've put in any money...

01-03-2014, 01:51 AM
Glad you got it back, and hope the damage isn't too bad... Honda's are easily stolen, especially fi they are a tad bit older and the locks/ignition are a bit worn and the thief has a nicely worn out Honda key... or like said if they have a master key, which are easily found online... One reason why I won't touch any Honda's anymore... at least not for a while, cause I don't want my ride stolen especially if I've put in any money...

Why would you want to steal a Honda? They are cheap and a dime a dozen.

01-03-2014, 08:46 AM
Hey Yosh, you had an alarm on this one, right? What features did you have? Kill switch or just plain alarm?

The alarm had starter kill, ignition kill (both basically immobilizes the circuit once armed) and of course all the other usual stuff, trunk pin, hood pin, keyless entry, light flash, etc...

Bottom line.... it only works if you use it.

01-03-2014, 12:12 PM
Ok folks, here ya go.
Some :camera: to go along with the stories.
(for a full break down, tune into episode 110 of the XJ Talk Show!)

In less than 48 hours, the person(s) who stole my car were able to accumulate a YEARS worth of bull shit, and managed to horde, hide, stuff, and shove into every cubby, hole, pocket, and orifice of my car. The glove box, the center console, the pocket under the stereo, the pocket behind the seat, UNDER the seat, even in the handle of the door, SOMETHING of theirs was stashed.
Here's the massive pile of shit that was left behind.
(you wont see the TWENTY-SIX pens I found/removed from the car that weren't mine)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/571/2h06.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/fv2h06j)

Note the several grocery bags of garbage..... this is only two of the four that was extracted.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/826/li7q.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/myli7qj)

The car was filthy. Just plain gross. Not only from the thieve(s), but also from the forensics team which left behind a metric ass-ton of finger printing dust over EVERY inch of the car. The thieves also must have loved the "peachy peach" air freshener trees, as there was one hanging from the rear view mirror when I got it back. It was new, fresh, and FULLY unwrapped, giving the car an overpowering sickly sweet essence which just added to the already palpable scent of moldy rotten shoes, and the dirtiest of all gym socks. Judging by the cans (yes plural) of Tinactin anti-fungal spray, I'd say this bastard had mushrooms growing between his toes. This obviously creates a very unique odor which has completely saturated the trunk and permeated throughout the rest of the car in such a way that you can almost taste it. After spending an hour and a half with sanitizing wipes going over every surface of the front of the car (inside) I turned to the windows, which had an interesting film on it, which I can only attribute to the crack they must have been smoking using the charred spoons I found, and the rather used up roll of Reynolds Wrap. Once the windows were cleaned, the trash was delicately pulled out with rubber gloves, and all of the dash, control surfaces, and instrumentation was all thoroughly wiped down with sanitizing wipes, I proceeded to unleash a half bottle of Febeeze onto the now funky interior and trunk. Upon entering the car this morning, I can honestly say with the utmost of conviction..... there is no job too tough for Febreeze. The stuff plain and simply WORKS.
I still need to vacuum the car out, and give it an official detailing, and of course the outside is now in desperate need of a both, but I have other things to deal with first.
SUCH AS.....
The now new-to-me body damage that the thief decided would be a great addition to the car.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/14/1iqw.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/0e1iqwj)

The front bumper obviously ran up over something, and is now cracked.
Might explain why it pulls to one side now.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/31/h7y8.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/0vh7y8j)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/547/7tar.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/f77tarj)

This shows how they got in. Pry marks ALL OVER the trim of the A-pillar.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/62/mrk0.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/1qmrk0j)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/24/f3lz.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/0of3lzj)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/33/6nrd.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/0x6nrdj)

The B-pillar side didn't escape the wrath of their stupidity.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/62/9hs5.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/1q9hs5j)

They pried on it so hard, it looks like the door isn't seating right anymore.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/62/8pvo.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/1q8pvoj)

Even tore some of the seal.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/163/pehf.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/4jpehfj)

I could probably deal with and maybe even overlook a lot of this.
But the thing that really put me over the edge was this....
They took one of those 26 pens, or maybe one of the needles they were using to shoot-up with, and decided to STAB my dash.:crazy:
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x800q90/571/z07f.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/fvz07fj)

C'mon now!....that's just uncalled for!!!:mad:
Maybe it was a last ditch effort to ensure that, as they were getting lit up by the red and blue lights of the cop cars that were chasing them, that they could inflict some degree of lasting damage upon the vehicle should the owner ever get it back.
Well I DID get my car back, :P and I do not appreciate one bit the "signature" left behind by the gacked-out-tweeker-girlfriend of said thief who happened to get mad at the gacked-out-tweeker boyfriend for picking her up for their tweeker-date in a stolen car.

In any case, I have the number to the district attourney's office, and a case number to use in my inquiry of whether or not I have any recourse in a civil matter to try and recoup some of the costs of making at least SOME of this stuff go-away.
The bumper will need to be fixed, as will the door and trim, and of course the dash will need professional repair, if not replacement all together.
Not to mention the time and coast of a good detailing.

YES, I'm glad it's back in my possession.
However I do not think I will be keeping it around for very long.
Most likely it will get fixed at least in some regard, and sold off to someone else.

I'd like to thank all who sent in their well-wishes, and let you guys know the support was very much appreciated.

01-03-2014, 01:24 PM
I'm glad you got it back and it's in some what decent shape yet. Karma is a B they'll get what they got coming. On the bright side it looks like you might have scored a decent tool belt.... Keep it light I always say. Things could be way worse.

01-03-2014, 08:15 PM
still its still only a Honda.........man there are some sickos out there ...sell it on josh they just don't fell the same when stolen and ya get em back ...has happed twice to me down here .....one car they took the whole exhaust off and the wiper blades ..wiper blades WTF....that one stolen from the bar I was working at ...2nd pissed me off no end was nicked from outside the house ...me boy was a youngin back then and didn't feel safe at home for a while ...glad ya got it back bro I like the rest hate ****en thieves.

XJ Wheeler
01-03-2014, 08:26 PM
Still better to get it back! At least its not a total loss or anything. Even still, sucks how careless and stupid they were. I can't say it enough... DON'T MESS WITH OTHER PEOPLE STUFF!!! And that's to the attention of Crackheads everywhere!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

01-03-2014, 11:30 PM
Wow, what a mess. It always socks me when this crap happens. I'm glad to live in a small community and have a garage to park both my vehicles inside. Good luck, Josh on getting rid of this violated car.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

01-06-2014, 08:27 AM
Glad you got it back, and hope the damage isn't too bad... Honda's are easily stolen, especially fi they are a tad bit older and the locks/ignition are a bit worn and the thief has a nicely worn out Honda key... or like said if they have a master key, which are easily found online... One reason why I won't touch any Honda's anymore... at least not for a while, cause I don't want my ride stolen especially if I've put in any money...

The older camaros are easy to get into as well lol after locking my keys in the car ive become quite the pro at unlocking the door from outside


Glad to see you got your car back Josh...atleast all the damage is repairable. Good luck on selling it, im sure youll get it sold quickly :)

Joliet Johnny
01-06-2014, 10:48 AM
I dated a girl who in one day locked 3 sets of keys in her car. I bought a lockout kit and now for legal reasons carry a triangle door stop and a metal coat hanger. So far the hardest gas saver I have found to get in is a 1991-94 Saturn S series with power locks. My 93 SL1 auto 35mpg and 92 SL2 5 speed 32mpg. After this thread I'm thinking about selling my Civic and picking up another Saturn.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

01-06-2014, 02:12 PM
I dated a girl who in one day locked 3 sets of keys in her car. I bought a lockout kit and now for legal reasons carry a triangle door stop and a metal coat hanger. So far the hardest gas saver I have found to get in is a 1991-94 Saturn S series with power locks. My 93 SL1 auto 35mpg and 92 SL2 5 speed 32mpg. After this thread I'm thinking about selling my Civic and picking up another Saturn.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Cheaper to get Lo-Jack...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

01-09-2014, 04:24 PM
Hey Josh, this is on sale currently

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

01-09-2014, 04:39 PM
Thanks Brazz,
Thats the one I've been lookin at too!
Now if I can get them to honor the %20 off coupon as well, it'll really be a deal!