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View Full Version : **Power loss uphill**

10-30-2013, 05:27 PM
Hello all,
my jeep is 95 xj with 70k 6cyl h.o
it generally runs great on flat surface just kinda sluggish on passing cars and also going uphill it seems to struggle.. My main concern is going uphill though...air filter,fuel filter are almost new. Tune up was done about 6months ago. Can someone please give me a direction in where to start looking into??? Thanks!

10-30-2013, 05:44 PM
O2 sensor changed in that tune up?

10-30-2013, 06:05 PM
no..i bought the jeep with 65k and now has around 70k and i never replaced the o2 sensor cause it seems to run and idle fine...not sure if previous owner ever did..

10-30-2013, 06:08 PM
They are the most neglected tune up part there is. My opinion is that they be replaced every 50K, which is generous considering Jeeps says 28K. A lean or rich mixture due to faulty readings on it will rob the engine of power

10-30-2013, 06:10 PM
hmm. makes sense to me.. i will replace it this weekend and update..
thanks 4.3LXJ!

12-03-2013, 10:34 AM
UPDATE: replaced o2 sensor and power is way better now... driving uphill is a breeze and no more sluggishness.. didnt think o2 was faulty but after replacing it engine runs alot stronger.. thanks for the help!!