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10-30-2013, 09:50 AM
What do you do on Halloween?

Do you attend party(ies)? Do you dress up? Scare the neighbor hood kids?

10-30-2013, 09:53 AM
Office work party but other than that I just sit at home and watch scarey movies.

I've never seen trick-or-treators down my street on Halloween, which is fine with me lol

10-30-2013, 10:37 AM
Not trick or treaters out here. I get all the candy myself. :D

But if I did, I would have more fun than the kids. I would put my tarantula on my wrist and a piece of candy in my hand and make the kids take the candy out of my hand. And oh the great vids to post on the net.

10-30-2013, 10:42 AM
Not trick or treaters out here. I get all the candy myself. :D

But if I did, I would have more fun than the kids. I would put my tarantula on my wrist and a piece of candy in my hand and make the kids take the candy out of my hand. And oh the great vids to post on the net.

You dont even need to have a tarantula now-a-days, theyre scared of everything, even my Beardies (took one of them to Petsmart the other day, freaked everyone out lol)

That would be a funny video

10-30-2013, 10:46 AM
It would be viral for sure

10-30-2013, 10:50 AM
I dress up every year and I'm 37 years old. I think I've only NOT dressed up a total of 5 years in my life. :bacondance:

I usually borrow some kids (since I dont have any), usually my niece and nephew and take them trick or treating in this really busy neighborhood near my apartment.

A new co-worker of mine has a HUGE haunted house that has been featured on the news the last couple years so I'm gonna haul them across town for that this year I think.

10-30-2013, 10:56 AM
I dress up every year and I'm 37 years old. I think I've only NOT dressed up a total of 5 years in my life. :bacondance:

I usually borrow some kids (since I dont have any), usually my niece and nephew and take them trick or treating in this really busy neighborhood near my apartment.

A new co-worker of mine has a HUGE haunted house that has been featured on the news the last couple years so I'm gonna haul them across town for that this year I think.

Come on, you must have some pictures of costumes from the past years. :popcorn: :D

10-30-2013, 11:07 AM
About to walk into a meeting but I'll see what I can do. ;-)

10-30-2013, 11:13 AM
I duck & take cover. There's usually a shit ton of gun violence. I do enjoy ready about the body count the next day.

10-30-2013, 11:13 AM
Well when I had kids we would go out trick or treating , haven't dressed up in many years (scary enough with out adding to it ) Now days I support the harvest festival at the church when I can. No kiddys running around where I live so a quiet night is in store. Due to my religious views I try not to support the dark side of the day. As the old Amish proverb says" speak of the Devil, and he will come"

XJ Wheeler
10-30-2013, 11:27 AM
Just about the only thing we do now that we're off is carve pumpkins and maybe watch Haunted Mansion. Normally it would have been... work.

Come to think of it, i don't think i've ever had a "trick or treater" come by EVER... and I've always lived in a smaller community too.

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

10-30-2013, 11:39 AM
There are houses in my neighborhood that decorate with a smattering of jack-o-lanterns,
...some throw up a window sticker or a few orange and purple christmas lights....
And there are others that attempt to go "all out", with extensive displays of inflatable cartoonish creatures and the like.
(pshhh, amateurs)....

ME? ....well I decide to fracture the otherwise intact and innocent minds of the some 3-400 kids that visit my front door every Oct 31st,
by scaring the living you-know-what out of them.
I terrify and haunt, and freak out the little ones to a trembling screaming mess,
Which usually ends up with a jump behind a parent's leg, or an all out mad dash for the sidewalk in an epic and usually cry filled retreat.
The older ones are usually just startled if nothing else, sometimes I catch one off guard, and get a good blood curdling screech out of 'em.
Even the adults often times find them selves falling victim to my sudden and spontaneous frights.
This year WAS to be by biggest install yet, (now significantly reduced due to a forecast of rain)
....spanning the entire length of the driveway, and winding the would-be trick-r-treater's through three different themes:
Entering into a twisted delight of carnival madness straight from the realm of which only the most horrific nightmares are born.
Walking thru a maze of different colored lights, and iridescently lit up paint schemes,
Otherwise static and assumingly dormant clowns of demonic nature will suddenly light up and come to life as you walk by them.
(next year they will be fully animatronic and have more range of motion)....
This would lead you to the den of spiders (LOTS of spiders) where cobwebs will tickle your face, and large carnivorous arachnids will jump and attack the unsuspecting victims.
Exiting onto my front walkway, glowing eyes suddenly awake in the shrubbery flanking your left side,
They tremble and growl as you pass by the cemetery where the headstones of last year's visitors and a stalking werewolf will be seen along a scattering of freshly severed body parts and an all out visual assault of the macabre.
(next year the werewolf will be animated and be sawing off his still human arm/hand before it has had a chance to turn.)
Once reaching the front door....where a now trembling, shaking little hand would attempt to knock upon the skull, and skeleton laden threshold, and thoughts of safety from any more freakish scares and visions of the soon to be delivered candies start to cross the mind,
.....the door would suddenly be FLUNG wide open before their little knuckles would hit the wood and they'd be greeted with a shrillish cackle of my goblin king laugh and the sight of a 4ft tall mask with pointy ears, a wicked, ghoulish nose, and long crazy beard dancing around, shaking hands in their terrified little faces......
.....ahhhhh..... there IS some sort of sick, guilty pleasure in knowing I have completely ruined the psyche of some of these young minds,
and left lasting scars that will surely haunt their dreams for years to come......
Or at least until next year, when I get to do it all over again.....

10-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Trick or treat is usually 6-7:30 pm. I buy 700 pieces of candy usually and sit on the front steps and pass it out to the kids. Usually, I'm out of candy in 40-45 minutes. I then take my chair back inside and turn out the porch light.PS: usually a piece or two make thier way into my pocket for later consumption.

10-30-2013, 12:50 PM
I work at 4am on Thursdays now, so I'll be back in bed before any festivities start. I have never gotten any trick or treaters, so I think I'll be able to sleep in peace.

10-30-2013, 01:46 PM
Come on, you must have some pictures of costumes from the past years. :popcorn: :D

I only found one from last year!! Amazing i dont have more, I guess usually I'm the one taking pics. Consequently I had a broken arm here, and took off my cast for the costume judging. ;-) Felt my terminator style contraption would ruin my method acting during the competition.

10-30-2013, 01:48 PM
I only found one from last year!! Amazing i dont have more, I guess usually I'm the one taking pics.

lol now that's an outfit!


10-30-2013, 05:54 PM
What do I do ???

I sit patiently alongside the door waiting for brain dead, aussie kids to show up begging for lollies.

When they arrive ... I tell 'em to bugger off ... and go read a book, which explains - halloween history, and that its an activity that takes place in the northern hemisphere when its almost winter ... unlike australia when october means, summer is rolling in .. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

.... and then I realise how rude and inconsiderate I am .. :o

So I tell 'em to google it ... :D:D:D


10-30-2013, 08:19 PM
I usually borrow some kids (since I dont have any), usually my niece and nephew and take them trick or treating in this really busy neighborhood near my apartment.

Why is it O.K for a female to "Borrow" kids. But when I try to do it I get a restraining order?

10-31-2013, 01:33 AM
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! fellow xjtalkers,


10-31-2013, 09:41 AM
Happy Halloween!! This is me today. I work for a hotel in the downtown area and I've already been pulled by two guests to take pictures with them. :bacondance:

10-31-2013, 09:44 AM
Nicely done!

10-31-2013, 10:56 AM
OK just a couple more pics. We take our Halloween serious here, and we REALLY take our pumpkin carving serious. It got a little intense this year. Escalated pretty quickly, traumatizing really. But the end result was perfect. The eyeball is mine.

11-03-2013, 02:06 AM
Nice holiday you have there, we should adopt it here :D

11-03-2013, 03:10 AM
We took the three girls ( a cow, Cinderella and a ladybug) trick or treating with their cousins ( a minion and a baby cow)

XJ Wheeler
11-03-2013, 03:35 AM
Forgot to post it up but here's my Jeep-o-lantern.




Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

11-03-2013, 05:52 AM
Forgot to post it up but here's my Jeep-o-lantern.


Excellent work .. :thumbsup:

11-03-2013, 08:46 AM
NICE Jake!!! You should enter a punkin' carving contest!

11-03-2013, 09:32 AM
well done, never seen one like this, you are the best

11-03-2013, 09:37 AM
Outstanding Jake

XJ Wheeler
11-03-2013, 06:21 PM
Lol, thanks guys. This was actually my first time doing it this way.

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

11-03-2013, 07:35 PM
That looks great! I can tell when you decide to do something, you really do it to the fullest! No half-assing it around Jake's household

XJ Wheeler
11-03-2013, 08:32 PM
That looks great! I can tell when you decide to do something, you really do it to the fullest! No half-assing it around Jake's household

:smiley-laughing021: You could say that!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

11-04-2013, 11:05 AM
Well with time constraints, and a couple days of bad weather, I was not able to get as much of the haunt put up as I wanted to.
None the less, we still had a GREAT Halloween.
Here's some pics and I'll try to get a video up as well. (sorry, some of the pics may be a little blurry because of the shutter speed.)

From the Side:

From the back:

From the other side/back:
(on this side were all the electronics, power supplies, fog machine, and a powered speaker playing haunting music with the occasional twisted carnival track thrown in - about a 6 "song" loop - you could hear my house from about a block away lol)

From the street:


A little closer:



At the "entrance"

11-04-2013, 11:10 AM
Once in and looking down the first hallway:

Rounding the first corner you're greeted by this guy:
(next year he will have motion activated animatronics)

Down another hallway and around another corner you come to this guy:
(he too will be animated next year)

Next to him is the "monster-in-a-box" I made.
Pallet wood, with a red flood light inside, a strobe light, and a high speed drill with a length of 4awg wire stuck in the chuck.
...when the motion sensor (hiding in the canopy above it) is triggered, it powers on everything inside the box,
and the wire in the drill goes SLAPPING around quite violently making a TON of loud noise very suddenly
and of course, scares the living crap out of the unsuspecting passers by.
(screams were heard from a block away as well).... you'll see more of this in the video....
(sorry...the fog machine had just spewed out a ton of fresh smoke - plays havoc with the camera)

Rounding the corner of yet another hallway, you start to enter the spider's den,
where the mother of all spiders awaits in the canopy ready to drop upon you and eat you,
ever watching..... with glowing red eyes...

There is much webbing here, and the pathway narrows...

As the pathway shrinks, your are funneled around the corner one last time,
where a large vicious spider is waiting to jump at you.
(this guy was triggered by a pressure pad, but next year will be set off by a motion sensor as well I think)

Looking back from whence you came:

As you exit you see what is presumably another static (unmoving) creature....

What they didnt know is it was me in disguise!

I would reach out with a spartan like yell terrorizing the trick-r-treaters.
Here's a close up of the mask I've told many of you about:

As you clear all the haunt, you cross by the front of the house.
This is where I have in the past focused much of the display, this year,
I was not able to spend as much time as I wanted to get everything set up in this area.


In the bushes all around the house there were glowing/blinking eyes watching your every move.
Some would just blink, others would stare,
some would shake the whole bush and grrrrrrowwwwwwlllllllll as you passed by:

All-in-all it was a great time, I scared many, many people, and got some good blood curdling screams out of most.
Several children were scared to tears (yes I made kids cry - heh heh heh)
...and one guy jumped so bad, he fell on his butt.
We had somewhere between 300 and 400 people/kids come thru,
and at times had as many as 40 people in front of the house.
7 gigantic bags of candy were used up.
And now my garage is a complete mess as I have not yet put everything away.
It's alot of work, but WELL worth it!
Next year, as always, will be bigger and better.

11-04-2013, 11:32 AM
And here's the video walk-through....

11-04-2013, 12:29 PM
That looks like a lot of work Josh

11-05-2013, 07:54 AM
Nice job Josh!!!

Looks like a fun and scarey place (especially for Mark ;))

10-30-2015, 04:35 AM

http://scontent-ams2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/1611007_1662149327361374_9095675186229507990_n.jpg ?oh=69f1831830d013c36b3cce768e27a2e7&oe=56B1FE18

10-30-2015, 04:14 PM
Scare the neighbor kids then hit some parties. Gonna be hard to top last year. You should've seen Alice ;) :patriot:

sent from my Samsoon S5 from the bottom of a mud hole

11-02-2015, 08:07 AM
I had a bout with death wobble while going to see a friend, which cause my jeep to die, followed by unable to restart, in the cold wet rain. Saturday I discoverded I blew my engine control maxi fuse.

11-02-2015, 01:53 PM
As usual, MY Halloween starts in about September (of not earlier).
Preparing, organizing, and adding to the big haunt I set up every year.
This year however was a bit different.
Although I still went thru all the planning and organizing,
and I even went out and made a few purchases to add to the mix of things.... Mother nature had other plans.
Even through all the loin-cloth dances in my back yard, and the virgin sacrifices, the weather gods decided to bring forth a fury of wet and windy hell upon my normally insane display of terror, mayhem, and fright.


Living here in the NW has provided us with many a wet Halloween. I am prepared for that.
I have the ability to downsize my installation, and I even have very large tarps that help cover everything.
This year however, the winds picked up too. So much so that my usual "plan-B" damn near tore the gutters off my house.
SO.... it was down to "plan-C." ...the smallest Halloween set-up I have ever done. (ugh)

Fear not fright fans! ..... my number one goal is not just to carve a pumpkin and throw up some colorful decor. NO!
...what sort of haunt enthusiast would I be if I did not dedicate myself to fracturing the delicate psyche's of the little ones that grace the front of my house in search of sweets.
No despite the 2+" of rain that night, and blustering winds, I was bound and determined to scare the bejeebuss out of as many kids as possible.
I had to have very little that "hung" or draped, or wasn't completely anchored down, or at least heavy enough to not get blown away, or was out of the line of attack. Thankfully, the little alcove by the front of my house serves as the perfect little stage to set things up in. The majority of everything was going to be put here, so I had to figure out a "theme" of sorts. Last year was the spiders den, a freakishly terrifying journey thru the lair of a giant spider, and all of her offspring.
This year I went with the "Twisted Carnival" theme.
Dummies were made using various stuffing materials around pvc and/or wire frames.
Costumes were dawned, and the dummies were positioned first.
Everything else was built up from there.
http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151030_194300.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/20151030_194300.jpg.html)

http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151030_194310.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/20151030_194310.jpg.html)

Oh wait, that's not a dummy, that me (sorry for the crappy pic - watch video - you'll get a better of idea of the whole thing)
http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151031_204342.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/20151031_204342.jpg.html)

I decided I might as well use some of the spider stuff from last year to spruce thing sup a bit as well.
http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151030_194947.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/20151030_194947.jpg.html)

Aaaaand basically done:
http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151031_204036.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/20151031_204036.jpg.html)

Few shots during the day:
http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151031_173906.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/20151031_173906.jpg.html)

http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151031_173832.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/20151031_173832.jpg.html)

http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/36179cc3-5a2a-4d95-9cb0-cc31945b4078.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/jbchill1/media/Halloween%202015/36179cc3-5a2a-4d95-9cb0-cc31945b4078.jpg.html)

I was dressed up as another clown-like character to "blend in", and joined my dummy-like scary clown brethren.
(sorry - no pics - but check out the vid at the bottom)
With newspaper and stuffing coming out of seams and cuffs, and pant legs, I fit right in....
I'd let the kids get close, and sometimes even up to the door, before I would "come to life" giving them something to scream about. You know you've THOROUGHLY terrified a small child when they drop their ever-so-precious haul of candy and take off in a full sprint and screaming bloody murder. I consider it a complete success to tap right into the fight-or-flight response of a child directly and instantaneously. This is also prevalent in the ones that get so scared the "terror-shakes" (as I like to call them) riddle the child into a tear filled shriek behind the leg of a parent. There is of course the inevitable loss of bladder control, which to date has only happened a handful of times. I figured the kids were getting soaked enough this year, so I dialed it back a bit..... but just a bit.

Here's a video of a walk-through:
http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/th_20151031_205434.mp4 (http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h328/jbchill1/Halloween%202015/20151031_205434.mp4)

Ordinarily, we see about 3-400 kids each year (on dry years) ... this year was still a good couple hundred, and they all pretty much came in a more narrow period of time, whereas on dry years, its more spread out.
In all it was a good year. All I can do is look forward to next years haunt, and hope its a dry one.
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!